A review of the application of multiobjective evolutionary fuzzy systems: Current status and further directions
Over the past few decades, fuzzy systems have been widely used in several application
fields, thanks to their ability to model complex systems. The design of fuzzy systems has …
fields, thanks to their ability to model complex systems. The design of fuzzy systems has …
A generalized type-2 fuzzy granular approach with applications to aerospace
In this paper a granular approach for intelligent control using generalized type-2 fuzzy logic
is presented. Granularity is used to divide the design of the global controller into several …
is presented. Granularity is used to divide the design of the global controller into several …
Type-2 fuzzy logic aggregation of multiple fuzzy controllers for airplane flight control
This paper presents a proposed new approach for complex control combining several
simpler individual fuzzy controllers. This method is particularly useful when the case of study …
simpler individual fuzzy controllers. This method is particularly useful when the case of study …
Novel adaptive gravitational search algorithm for fuzzy controlled servo systems
This paper presents a novel adaptive Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) for the optimal
tuning of fuzzy controlled servo systems characterized by second-order models with an …
tuning of fuzzy controlled servo systems characterized by second-order models with an …
A Survey on Genetic Fuzzy Systems
M Jahani Moghaddam - Archives of Computational Methods in …, 2024 - Springer
Fuzzy Systems have shown their ability for solving a wide range of problems in different
application domains. Genetic Algorithms are applied to provide the learning and adaptation …
application domains. Genetic Algorithms are applied to provide the learning and adaptation …
Genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization based cascade interval type 2 fuzzy PD controller for rotary inverted pendulum system
This paper presents the design of an optimized Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Proportional Derivative
Controller (IT2F‐PDC) in cascade form for Rotary Inverted Pendulum (RIP) system. The …
Controller (IT2F‐PDC) in cascade form for Rotary Inverted Pendulum (RIP) system. The …
Design of variable control charts based on type-2 fuzzy sets with a real case study
İ Kaya, A Turgut - Soft Computing, 2021 - Springer
Control charts (CCs) are very effective tools to follow process variation and to improve
process quality. It is completely critical to increase the sensitiveness and flexibility of CCs to …
process quality. It is completely critical to increase the sensitiveness and flexibility of CCs to …
A new approach to control of multivariable systems through a hierarchical aggregation of fuzzy controllers
In this study, the main contribution is a new approach to control multivariable systems by
engaging an idea of hierarchical aggregation of multiple fuzzy controllers. A two-level …
engaging an idea of hierarchical aggregation of multiple fuzzy controllers. A two-level …
Modular granular neural networks optimization with multi-objective hierarchical genetic algorithm for human recognition based on iris biometric
In this paper a new model of a Multi-Objective Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm (MOHGA)
based on the Micro Genetic Algorithm (μGA) approach for Modular Neural Networks (MNNs) …
based on the Micro Genetic Algorithm (μGA) approach for Modular Neural Networks (MNNs) …
Automatic Synthesis of Rule Bases of Fuzzy Control Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms
This chapter is dedicated to the method of the rule base (RB) automatic synthesis for the
fuzzy automatic control systems (FACS) of Mamdani-type with the determination of optimal …
fuzzy automatic control systems (FACS) of Mamdani-type with the determination of optimal …