The formation and interactions of cold and ultracold molecules: new challenges for interdisciplinary physics
Progress on research in the field of molecules at cold and ultracold temperatures is reported
in this review. It covers extensively the experimental methods to produce, detect and …
in this review. It covers extensively the experimental methods to produce, detect and …
The statistical parton distributions: status and prospects
C Bourrely, J Soffer, F Buccella - … Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields, 2005 - Springer
New experimental results on polarized structure functions, cross sections for e^±p neutral
and charge current reactions and ν (̄ν) charge current on isoscalar targets are compared …
and charge current reactions and ν (̄ν) charge current on isoscalar targets are compared …
High-precision calculations of van der Waals coefficients for heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers
Abstract van der Waals coefficients for the heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers of Li, Na, K, Rb,
Cs, and Fr are calculated using relativistic ab initio methods augmented by high-precision …
Cs, and Fr are calculated using relativistic ab initio methods augmented by high-precision …
High resolution Feshbach spectroscopy of cesium
We measure high-resolution Feshbach resonance spectra for ultracold cesium atoms
colliding in different hyperfine and magnetic sublevels. More than 25 resonances are …
colliding in different hyperfine and magnetic sublevels. More than 25 resonances are …
Collision Properties of Ultracold Atoms
We present a theoretical analysis of numerous magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances
measured by Chin et al.[preceding Letter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2717 (2000)] at fields of up to …
measured by Chin et al.[preceding Letter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2717 (2000)] at fields of up to …
Quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensates in the dimensional crossover regime
We study theoretically the dimensional crossover from a three-dimensional elongated
condensate to a one-dimensional condensate as the transverse degrees of freedom get …
condensate to a one-dimensional condensate as the transverse degrees of freedom get …
Formation of ultracold molecules (T≤ 200 μK) via photoassociation in a gas of laser-cooled atoms
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the formation of ultracold molecules—that is, at
temperatures well below 1 mK, the photoassociation scheme in a sample of laser-cooled …
temperatures well below 1 mK, the photoassociation scheme in a sample of laser-cooled …
Resonant coupling in the formation of ultracold ground state molecules via photoassociation
We demonstrate the existence of a new mechanism for the formation of ultracold molecules
via photoassociation of cold cesium atoms. The experimental results, interpreted with …
via photoassociation of cold cesium atoms. The experimental results, interpreted with …
Determination of lifetimes of levels and ground-state polarizability of Cs from the van der Waals coefficient
A method for determination of atomic lifetimes from the value of dispersion coefficient C 6 of
molecular potentials correlating to two ground-state atoms is proposed. The method is …
molecular potentials correlating to two ground-state atoms is proposed. The method is …
[ספר][B] Cold and ultracold collisions in quantum microscopic and mesoscopic systems
J Weiner - 2003 - books.google.com
Cold and ultracold collisions occupy a strategic position at the intersection of several
powerful themes of current research in chemical physics, in atomic, molecular and optical …
powerful themes of current research in chemical physics, in atomic, molecular and optical …