Your brain on comics: A cognitive model of visual narrative comprehension
N Cohn - Topics in cognitive science, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The past decade has seen a rapid growth of cognitive and brain research focused on visual
narratives like comics and picture stories. This paper will summarize and integrate this …
narratives like comics and picture stories. This paper will summarize and integrate this …
Fixation-related brain potentials during semantic integration of object–scene information
In vision science, a particularly controversial topic is whether and how quickly the semantic
information about objects is available outside foveal vision. Here, we aimed at contributing …
information about objects is available outside foveal vision. Here, we aimed at contributing …
EEG theta and N400 responses to congruent versus incongruent brand logos
Neuroimaging and behavioral studies have shown that brands convey meaning to
consumers. To investigate the immediate reactions of the brain to brand logos, followed …
consumers. To investigate the immediate reactions of the brain to brand logos, followed …
[HTML][HTML] Are incongruent objects harder to identify? The functional significance of the N300 component
Abstract Objects in the real world typically appear within a broader context, having
relationships with the environment. Do these relations between objects and the contexts in …
relationships with the environment. Do these relations between objects and the contexts in …
Age-related differences during visual search: the role of contextual expectations and cognitive control mechanisms
MT Borges, EG Fernandes, MI Coco - Aging, Neuropsychology …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
During the visual search, cognitive control mechanisms activate to inhibit distracting
information and efficiently orient attention towards contextually relevant regions likely to …
information and efficiently orient attention towards contextually relevant regions likely to …
The Visual Integration of Semantic and Spatial Information of Objects in Naturalistic Scenes (VISIONS) database: attentional, conceptual, and perceptual norms
The complex interplay between low-and high-level mechanisms governing our visual
system can only be fully understood within ecologically valid naturalistic contexts. For this …
system can only be fully understood within ecologically valid naturalistic contexts. For this …
Multimodal semantic revision during inferential processing: The role of inhibitory control in text and picture comprehension
Although language comprehension usually requires multimodal information, no study to
date has investigated how comprehenders deal with the revision of a text's interpretation …
date has investigated how comprehenders deal with the revision of a text's interpretation …
No language unification without neural feedback: How awareness affects sentence processing
How does the human brain combine a finite number of words to form an infinite variety of
sentences? According to the Memory, Unification and Control (MUC) model, sentence …
sentences? According to the Memory, Unification and Control (MUC) model, sentence …
Predictability modulates neurocognitive semantic processing of non-verbal narratives
Predictability is known to modulate semantic processing in language, but it is unclear to
what extent this applies for other modalities. Here we ask whether similar cognitive …
what extent this applies for other modalities. Here we ask whether similar cognitive …
The interplay of computational complexity and memory load during quantifier verification
Formal analysis of the minimal computational complexity of verification algorithms for natural
language quantifiers implies that different classes of quantifiers demand the engagement of …
language quantifiers implies that different classes of quantifiers demand the engagement of …