A review of the studies on soil-EPS composites: Beads and blocks
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a polymeric material whose low density and high
strength/density ratio has made it renowned to be used as a lightweight geosynthetic in the …
strength/density ratio has made it renowned to be used as a lightweight geosynthetic in the …
Impact of the overall regularity and related granulometric characteristics on the critical state soil mechanics of natural sands: a state-of-the-art review
This research aims to establish accurate correlations between critical state characteristics
and particle shape parameters in terms of overall regularity (OR), considering the gradation …
and particle shape parameters in terms of overall regularity (OR), considering the gradation …
Assessing the effect of lime-zeolite on geotechnical properties and microstructure of reconstituted clay used as a subgrade soil
This study investigates the replacement of conventional stabilizers with eco-friendly
alternatives, with a specific focus on enhancing pavement subgrade applications. This …
alternatives, with a specific focus on enhancing pavement subgrade applications. This …
[HTML][HTML] Shear-induced anisotropy of granular materials with rolling resistance and particle shape effects
The rolling resistance model has been employed in the discrete element modelling in
geomechanics, as an alternative computationally efficient approach to capture the …
geomechanics, as an alternative computationally efficient approach to capture the …
A poly‐superellipsoid‐based approach on particle morphology for DEM modeling of granular media
Particle morphology plays a key role in affecting physical and mechanical behaviors of
granular media. While various mathematical approaches and shape descriptors have been …
granular media. While various mathematical approaches and shape descriptors have been …
Limit analysis of lateral earth pressure on geosynthetic-reinforced retaining structures using finite element and second-order cone programming
In this paper, a thorough numerical study is conducted to rigorously evaluate the lateral
earth pressures exerted on the retaining walls backfilled with geosynthetic-reinforced soil …
earth pressures exerted on the retaining walls backfilled with geosynthetic-reinforced soil …
Predicting the small strain shear modulus of sands and sand-fines binary mixtures using machine learning algorithms
This study aims to develop several novel machine learning (ML) evolutionary algorithms for
the prediction of small strain shear modulus (G max) of clean sands and sand-fines binary …
the prediction of small strain shear modulus (G max) of clean sands and sand-fines binary …
Hierarchical Bayesian model for predicting small-strain stiffness of sand
This paper develops a hierarchical Bayesian model (HBM) that integrates the physical
knowledge and the test data to predict the small-strain shear modulus G max for a target …
knowledge and the test data to predict the small-strain shear modulus G max for a target …
Experimental investigation of dynamic shear modulus of saturated marine coral sand
W Qi, L Qifei, Z Haiyang, X Chengshun, C Guoxing - Ocean Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Shear modulus is an essential parameter for deformation prediction and site response
analysis of geological problems. This paper considers the dynamic shear modulus …
analysis of geological problems. This paper considers the dynamic shear modulus …
Shape characteristics of coral sand from the South China Sea
X Wang, Y Wu, J Cui, CQ Zhu, XZ Wang - Journal of Marine Science and …, 2020 - mdpi.com
The particle shape of coral sand is a crucial factor that affects its accumulation
characteristics. Two-dimensional particle images of coral sand with different particle sizes …
characteristics. Two-dimensional particle images of coral sand with different particle sizes …