Survey of automatic spelling correction
Automatic spelling correction has been receiving sustained research attention. Although
each article contains a brief introduction to the topic, there is a lack of work that would …
each article contains a brief introduction to the topic, there is a lack of work that would …
Exploring word embeddings for unsupervised textual user-generated content normalization
Text normalization techniques based on rules, lexicons or supervised training requiring
large corpora are not scalable nor domain interchangeable, and this makes them unsuitable …
large corpora are not scalable nor domain interchangeable, and this makes them unsuitable …
An overview of phonetic encoding algorithms
VS Vykhovanets, J Du, SA Sakulin - Automation and Remote Control, 2020 - Springer
This paper presents an overview of the phonetic encoding algorithms designed to determine
the similarity of words in sound (pronunciation). Phonetic encoding algorithms are divided …
the similarity of words in sound (pronunciation). Phonetic encoding algorithms are divided …
New labeled dataset of interconnected lexical typos for automatic correction in the bug reports
Large-scale and especially open-source projects use software triage systems like Bugzilla to
manage their user's requests like bugs, suggestions, and requirements. The software triage …
manage their user's requests like bugs, suggestions, and requirements. The software triage …
Обзор алгоритмов фонетического кодирования
ВС Выхованец, Д Цзяньмин… - Управление большими …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Приведен обзор алгоритмов фонетического кодирования, предназначенных для
определения схожести слов по звучанию (произношению). Алгоритмы фонетического …
определения схожести слов по звучанию (произношению). Алгоритмы фонетического …
Pengaruh penerapan spelling correction menggunakan metode symspell pada incident categorization
E Shafiera - 2022 - repository.uinjkt.ac.id
Incident categorization adalah salah satu tahapan paling krusial dari incident management.
Insiden yang masuk harus diselesaikan sesegera mungkin, maka dibutuhkan otomatisasi …
Insiden yang masuk harus diselesaikan sesegera mungkin, maka dibutuhkan otomatisasi …
A spell checking web service API for smart city communication platforms
Abstract The Internet of Things becomes Internet of Everything when in the process of
communication machine-to-machine also intelligent forms of communication between …
communication machine-to-machine also intelligent forms of communication between …
S-capade: Spelling correction aimed at particularly deviant errors
S-capade (s pelling c orrection a imed at pa rticularly d eviant e rrors) is a phonemic
distance based spellchecking tool (Source code repository may be found in the references …
distance based spellchecking tool (Source code repository may be found in the references …
[PDF][PDF] Fast Language-Independent Correction of Interconnected Typos to Finding Longest Terms
SM Babamir - 2019 - ceur-ws.org
Triagers deal with bug reports in software triage systems like Bugzilla to prioritizing, finding
duplicates, and assigning those to developers, which these processes should be automated …
duplicates, and assigning those to developers, which these processes should be automated …