[KNIHA][B] Geology and geomorphology of alluvial and fluvial fans: current progress and research perspectives
D Ventra, LE Clarke - 2018 - lyellcollection.org
Alluvial and fluvial fans are the most widespread depositional landforms bordering the
margins of long-lived highland regions and actively subsiding continental basins, across a …
margins of long-lived highland regions and actively subsiding continental basins, across a …
Geodiversity in the Amazon drainage basin
CME Alsbach… - … Transactions of the …, 2024 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The Amazon is the largest drainage basin on Earth and contains a wide variety of abiotic
landscape features. In spite of this, the geodiversity in this basin has not yet been objectively …
landscape features. In spite of this, the geodiversity in this basin has not yet been objectively …
The distribution and amount of carbon in the largest peatland complex in Amazonia
Abstract Peatlands in Amazonian Peru are known to store large quantities of carbon, but
there is high uncertainty in the spatial extent and total carbon stocks of these ecosystems …
there is high uncertainty in the spatial extent and total carbon stocks of these ecosystems …
Floodplains of large rivers: Weathering reactors or simple silos?
Large river sediments are mostly derived from tectonically active mountain belts, but then
undergo a series of sedimentation, temporary storage and reworking episodes on their …
undergo a series of sedimentation, temporary storage and reworking episodes on their …
[HTML][HTML] Hotspots of geogenic arsenic and manganese contamination in groundwater of the floodplains in lowland Amazonia (South America)
CMC de Meyer, I Wahnfried, JMR Rodriguez… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Arsenic enrichment in groundwater resources in deltas and floodplains of large sediment-
rich rivers is a worldwide natural hazard to human health. High spatial variability of arsenic …
rich rivers is a worldwide natural hazard to human health. High spatial variability of arsenic …
Remote sensing analysis of depositional landforms in alluvial settings: Method development and application to the Taquari megafan, Pantanal (Brazil)
Traditional Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) topographic datasets hold limited
value in the geomorphic analysis of low-relief terrains. To address this shortcoming, this …
value in the geomorphic analysis of low-relief terrains. To address this shortcoming, this …
Suspended sediment dynamics in the Amazon River of Peru
The erosion and transport of sediments allow us to understand many activities of
significance, such as crust evolution, climate change, uplift rates, continental processes, the …
significance, such as crust evolution, climate change, uplift rates, continental processes, the …
New evidence on the spatial-temporal distribution of superlobes in the Yellow River Delta Complex
L He, C Xue, S Ye, A Amorosi, H Yuan, S Yang… - Quaternary Science …, 2019 - Elsevier
Unraveling the spatial-temporal distribution of delta superlobes precisely is particularly
important and challenging in the Yellow River Delta Complex (YRDC). Previous research on …
important and challenging in the Yellow River Delta Complex (YRDC). Previous research on …
Impacts of Mauritia flexuosa degradation on the carbon stocks of freshwater peatlands in the Pastaza-Marañón river basin of the Peruvian Amazon
RK Bhomia, J van Lent, JMG Rios… - … Adaptation Strategies for …, 2019 - Springer
Tropical peat swamp forests (PSF) are characterized by high quantities of carbon (C) stored
as organic soil deposits due to waterlogged conditions which slows down decomposition …
as organic soil deposits due to waterlogged conditions which slows down decomposition …
Late quaternary dynamics in the Madeira river basin, southern Amazonia (Brazil), as revealed by paleomorphological analysis
EH Hayakawa, DF Rossetti - Anais da Academia Brasileira de …, 2015 - SciELO Brasil
Ancient drainage systems are being increasingly documented in the Amazon basin and their
characterization is crucial for reconstructing fluvial evolution in this area. Fluvial …
characterization is crucial for reconstructing fluvial evolution in this area. Fluvial …