Seismological processing of six degree-of-freedom ground-motion data

D Sollberger, H Igel, C Schmelzbach, P Edme… - Sensors, 2020 -
Recent progress in rotational sensor technology has made it possible to directly measure
rotational ground-motion induced by seismic waves. When combined with conventional …

[HTML][HTML] Advances in 6C seismology: Applications of combined translational and rotational motion measurements in global and exploration seismology

C Schmelzbach, S Donner, H Igel… - …, 2018 -
Over the past few decades, the potential of collocated measurements of 6C data (3C of
translational and 3C of rotational motion) has been demonstrated in global seismology …

6-C polarization analysis using point measurements of translational and rotational ground-motion: theory and applications

D Sollberger, SA Greenhalgh… - Geophysical Journal …, 2018 -
We provide a six-component (6-C) polarization model for P-, SV-, SH-, Rayleigh-, and Love-
waves both inside an elastic medium as well as at the free surface. It is shown that single …


孙丽霞, 王赟, 杨军, 张毅博, 王士成 - 地球科学, 2021 -
系统调研了地震波旋转运动的理论研究, 仪器研制, 实际观测和应用, 总结了地震波旋转运动的
研究成果. 首先介绍了旋转分量的定义及间接地通过**动分量求取旋转分量的方法 …

[KNYGA][B] 3C seismic and VSP: Converted waves and vector wavefield applications

J Gaiser - 2016 -
This book provides an overview of theory and practical applications, from the fundamentals
of PS-waves and VSPs through acquisition and processing, including interpretation …

Application of six-component ambient seismic noise data for high-resolution imaging of lateral heterogeneities

L Tang, X Fang - Geophysical Journal International, 2023 -
We develop a novel approach for imaging subsurface lateral heterogeneities using six-
component (6C) ambient seismic noise data, consisting of three translational components …

Efficient wave type fingerprinting and filtering by six-component polarization analysis

D Sollberger, N Bradley, P Edme… - Geophysical Journal …, 2023 -
We present a technique to automatically classify the wave type of seismic phases that are
recorded on a single six-component recording station (measuring both three components of …

Generation of 6-C synthetic seismograms in stratified vertically transversely isotropic media using a generalized reflection and transmission coefficient method

L Tang, X Fang - Geophysical Journal International, 2021 -
We develop a generalized reflection and transmission coefficient method (GRTM) for
generating six-component (6-C) synthetic seismograms in horizontally layered vertically …

Extending the formulation of the spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method to strain, rotation and tilt

H Nakahara, K Emoto… - Geophysical Journal …, 2021 -
The spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method has been applied to ambient seismic noise
measured by arrays of translational seismometers for inverting phase-velocity dispersion …

Tutorial on rotational seismology and its applications in exploration geophysics

Z Li, M van der Baan - Geophysics, 2017 -
Traditionally, seismological interpretations are based on the measurement of only
translational motions, such as particle displacement, velocity, and/or acceleration, possibly …