Opinion mining for software development: a systematic literature review
Opinion mining, sometimes referred to as sentiment analysis, has gained increasing
attention in software engineering (SE) studies. SE researchers have applied opinion mining …
attention in software engineering (SE) studies. SE researchers have applied opinion mining …
[HTML][HTML] Ticket automation: An insight into current research with applications to multi-level classification scenarios
Modern service providers often have to deal with large amounts of customer requests, which
they need to act upon in a swift and effective manner to ensure adequate support is …
they need to act upon in a swift and effective manner to ensure adequate support is …
Predicting issue types on GitHub
Software maintenance and evolution involves critical activities for the success of software
projects. To support such activities and keep code up-to-date and error-free, software …
projects. To support such activities and keep code up-to-date and error-free, software …
Automated identification and qualitative characterization of safety concerns reported in uav software platforms
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are nowadays used in a variety of applications. Given the
cyber-physical nature of UAVs, software defects in these systems can cause issues with …
cyber-physical nature of UAVs, software defects in these systems can cause issues with …
Recommending good first issues in github oss projects
Attracting and retaining newcomers is vital for the sustainability of an open-source software
project. However, it is difficult for newcomers to locate suitable development tasks, while …
project. However, it is difficult for newcomers to locate suitable development tasks, while …
Predicting the objective and priority of issue reports in software repositories
Software repositories such as GitHub host a large number of software entities. Developers
collaboratively discuss, implement, use, and share these entities. Proper documentation …
collaboratively discuss, implement, use, and share these entities. Proper documentation …
What do users ask in open-source AI repositories? An empirical study of GitHub issues
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, which benefit from the availability of large-scale datasets
and increasing computational power, have become effective solutions to various critical …
and increasing computational power, have become effective solutions to various critical …
Bee: A tool for structuring and analyzing bug reports
This paper introduces BEE, a tool that automatically analyzes user-written bug reports and
provides feedback to reporters and developers about the system's observed behavior (OB) …
provides feedback to reporters and developers about the system's observed behavior (OB) …
The NLBSE'24 Tool Competition
We report on the organization and results of the tool competition of the third International
Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE'24). As in prior …
Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE'24). As in prior …
How well do pre-trained contextual language representations recommend labels for github issues?
J Wang, X Zhang, L Chen - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021 - Elsevier
Motivation: Open-source organizations use issues to collect user feedback, software bugs,
and feature requests in GitHub. Many issues do not have labels, which makes labeling time …
and feature requests in GitHub. Many issues do not have labels, which makes labeling time …