Application of evolutionary computation for rule discovery in stock algorithmic trading: A literature review
Despite the wide application of evolutionary computation (EC) techniques to rule discovery
in stock algorithmic trading (AT), a comprehensive literature review on this topic is …
in stock algorithmic trading (AT), a comprehensive literature review on this topic is …
A tutorial on statistically sound pattern discovery
Statistically sound pattern discovery harnesses the rigour of statistical hypothesis testing to
overcome many of the issues that have hampered standard data mining approaches to …
overcome many of the issues that have hampered standard data mining approaches to …
Knowledge-based interactive postmining of association rules using ontologies
In Data Mining, the usefulness of association rules is strongly limited by the huge amount of
delivered rules. To overcome this drawback, several methods were proposed in the …
delivered rules. To overcome this drawback, several methods were proposed in the …
Mining relaxed functional dependencies from data
Relaxed functional dependencies (rfd s) are properties expressing important relationships
among data. Thanks to the introduction of approximations in data comparison and/or validity …
among data. Thanks to the introduction of approximations in data comparison and/or validity …
Behavior-based clustering and analysis of interestingness measures for association rule mining
A number of studies, theoretical, empirical, or both, have been conducted to provide insight
into the properties and behavior of interestingness measures for association rule mining …
into the properties and behavior of interestingness measures for association rule mining …
Mining Top-K Periodic-Frequent Pattern from Transactional Databases without Support Threshold
Temporal periodicity of patterns can be regarded as an important criterion for measuring the
interestingness of frequent patterns in several applications. A frequent pattern can be said …
interestingness of frequent patterns in several applications. A frequent pattern can be said …
Discovering relaxed functional dependencies based on multi-attribute dominance
With the advent of big data and data lakes, data are often integrated from multiple sources.
Such integrated data are often of poor quality, due to inconsistencies, errors, and so forth …
Such integrated data are often of poor quality, due to inconsistencies, errors, and so forth …
A knowledge discovery in databases approach for industrial microgrid planning
The progressive application of Information and Communication Technologies to industrial
processes has increased the amount of data gathered by manufacturing companies during …
processes has increased the amount of data gathered by manufacturing companies during …
Mining causal association rules
Discovering causal relationships is the ultimate goal of many scientific explorations. Causal
relationships can be identified with controlled experiments, but such experiments are often …
relationships can be identified with controlled experiments, but such experiments are often …
From observational studies to causal rule mining
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are the most effective approach to causal discovery,
but in many circumstances it is impossible to conduct RCTs. Therefore, observational …
but in many circumstances it is impossible to conduct RCTs. Therefore, observational …