Clear speech perception: Linguistic and cognitive benefits
R Smiljanic - The handbook of speech perception, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter focuses on the characteristics and effectiveness of clear speech (CS) aimed at
enhancing intelligibility for adult interlocutors with perceptual difficulties arising from hearing …
enhancing intelligibility for adult interlocutors with perceptual difficulties arising from hearing …
Acoustic voice characteristics with and without wearing a facemask
Facemasks are essential for healthcare workers but characteristics of the voice whilst
wearing this personal protective equipment are not well understood. In the present study, we …
wearing this personal protective equipment are not well understood. In the present study, we …
Speech aging: Production and perception
In this overview we describe literature on how speech production and speech perception
change in healthy or normal aging across the adult lifespan. In the production section we …
change in healthy or normal aging across the adult lifespan. In the production section we …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of face masks on spectral acoustics of speech: Effect of clear and loud speech styles
T Knowles, G Badh - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
This study quantified the effects of face masks on spectral speech acoustics in healthy
talkers using habitual, loud, and clear speaking styles. Harvard sentence lists were read …
talkers using habitual, loud, and clear speaking styles. Harvard sentence lists were read …
Lexical diversity, lexical sophistication, and predictability for speech in multiple listening conditions
When talkers anticipate that a listener may have difficulty understanding their speech, they
adopt a speaking style typically described as “clear speech.” This speaking style includes a …
adopt a speaking style typically described as “clear speech.” This speaking style includes a …
[HTML][HTML] The combined effects of contextual predictability and noise on the acoustic realisation of German syllables
Speakers tend to speak clearly in noisy environments, while they tend to reserve effort by
shortening word duration in predictable contexts. It is unclear how these two communicative …
shortening word duration in predictable contexts. It is unclear how these two communicative …
The impact of speaking style on speech recognition in quiet and multi-talker babble in adult cochlear implant users
The current study examined sentence recognition across speaking styles (conversational,
neutral, and clear) in quiet and multi-talker babble (MTB) for cochlear implant (CI) users and …
neutral, and clear) in quiet and multi-talker babble (MTB) for cochlear implant (CI) users and …
Acoustic characteristics of cantonese speech through protective facial coverings
Abstract Objectives Protective facial coverings (PFCs) such as surgical masks attenuate
speech transmission and affect speech intelligibility, which is reported in languages such as …
speech transmission and affect speech intelligibility, which is reported in languages such as …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of informational and energetic/modulation masking on the efficiency and ease of speech communication across the lifespan
Children and older adults have greater difficulty understanding speech when there are other
voices in the background (informational masking, IM) than when the interference is a steady …
voices in the background (informational masking, IM) than when the interference is a steady …
Partner-directed gaze and co-speech hand gestures: effects of age, hearing loss and noise
Research on the adaptations talkers make to different communication conditions during
interactive conversations has primarily focused on speech signals. We extended this type of …
interactive conversations has primarily focused on speech signals. We extended this type of …