Nonlinear process fault diagnosis based on serial principal component analysis
Many industrial processes contain both linear and nonlinear parts, and kernel principal
component analysis (KPCA), widely used in nonlinear process monitoring, may not offer the …
component analysis (KPCA), widely used in nonlinear process monitoring, may not offer the …
Deep principal component analysis based on layerwise feature extraction and its application to nonlinear process monitoring
In order to deeply exploit intrinsic data feature information hidden among the process data,
an improved kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) method is proposed, which is …
an improved kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) method is proposed, which is …
Monitoring nonlinear and non-Gaussian processes using Gaussian mixture model-based weighted kernel independent component analysis
A kernel independent component analysis (KICA) is widely regarded as an effective
approach for nonlinear and non-Gaussian process monitoring. However, the KICA-based …
approach for nonlinear and non-Gaussian process monitoring. However, the KICA-based …
Monitoring multi-domain batch process state based on fuzzy broad learning system
C Peng, D ChunHao - Expert Systems with Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
In the real-world batch process, the minor faults caused by aging equipment and catalyst
failure have subtle difference from normal data, making it difficult to monitor them timely with …
failure have subtle difference from normal data, making it difficult to monitor them timely with …
Fault discriminant enhanced kernel principal component analysis incorporating prior fault information for monitoring nonlinear processes
Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) based fault detection method, whose statistical
model only utilizes normal operating data and ignores available prior fault information, may …
model only utilizes normal operating data and ignores available prior fault information, may …
Low-rank joint embedding and its application for robust process monitoring
Industrial data are in general corrupted by noises and outliers. In this context, robustness to
the contaminated data is a challenging issue in process monitoring. In this article, a novel …
the contaminated data is a challenging issue in process monitoring. In this article, a novel …
Fault detection of multimode non-Gaussian dynamic process using dynamic Bayesian independent component analysis
Y Xu, X Deng - Neurocomputing, 2016 - Elsevier
Independent component analysis (ICA) has been widely used in non-Gaussian multivariate
process monitoring. However, it assumes only one normal operation mode and omits the …
process monitoring. However, it assumes only one normal operation mode and omits the …
Batch process monitoring based on multiway global preserving kernel slow feature analysis
H Zhang, X Tian, X Deng - Ieee Access, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As an effective nonlinear dynamic data analysis tool, kernel slow feature analysis (KSFA)
has achieved great success in continuous process monitoring field during recent years …
has achieved great success in continuous process monitoring field during recent years …
Dynamic hidden variable fuzzy broad neural network based batch process anomaly detection with incremental learning capabilities
C Peng, Z RuiYang, D ChunHao - Expert Systems with Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
Affected by the operation environment and uncertainties, batch processes have complex
dynamic characteristics, presenting autocorrelation and mutual correlation among process …
dynamic characteristics, presenting autocorrelation and mutual correlation among process …
Multiphase batch process with transitions monitoring based on global preserving statistics slow feature analysis
H Zhang, X Tian, X Deng, Y Cao - Neurocomputing, 2018 - Elsevier
Most previous studies have shown that the multiphase characteristics of batch processes are
critical for process monitoring; however, revealing and utilizing the information of multiplicity …
critical for process monitoring; however, revealing and utilizing the information of multiplicity …