Future directions in conservation research on petrels and shearwaters
Shearwaters and petrels (hereafter petrels) are highly adapted seabirds that occur across all
the world's oceans. Petrels are a threatened seabird group comprising 124 species. They …
the world's oceans. Petrels are a threatened seabird group comprising 124 species. They …
Oceanographic drivers of marine mammal and seabird habitat-use across shelf-seas: a guide to key features and recommendations for future research and …
Abstract Mid-latitude (∼ 30-60°) seasonally stratifying shelf-seas support a high abundance
and diversity of marine predators such as marine mammals and seabirds. However …
and diversity of marine predators such as marine mammals and seabirds. However …
momentuHMM: R package for generalized hidden Markov models of animal movement
Discrete‐time hidden Markov models (HMMs) have become an immensely popular tool for
inferring latent animal behaviours from telemetry data. While movement HMMs typically rely …
inferring latent animal behaviours from telemetry data. While movement HMMs typically rely …
An integrated path for spatial capture–recapture and animal movement modeling
Ecologists and conservation biologists increasingly rely on spatial capture–recapture (SCR)
and movement modeling to study animal populations. Historically, SCR has focused on …
and movement modeling to study animal populations. Historically, SCR has focused on …
Underwater visibility constrains the foraging behaviour of a diving pelagic seabird
Understanding the sensory ecology of species is vital if we are to predict how they will
function in a changing environment. Visual cues are fundamentally important for many …
function in a changing environment. Visual cues are fundamentally important for many …
Behavioural responses of a large, heat‐sensitive mammal to climatic variation at multiple spatial scales
Climate warming creates energetic challenges for endothermic species by increasing
metabolic and hydric costs of thermoregulation. Although endotherms can invoke an array of …
metabolic and hydric costs of thermoregulation. Although endotherms can invoke an array of …
Worth the effort? A practical examination of random effects in hidden Markov models for animal telemetry data
Abstract Hidden Markov models (HMMs) that include individual‐level random effects have
recently been promoted for inferring animal movement behaviour from biotelemetry data …
recently been promoted for inferring animal movement behaviour from biotelemetry data …
The challenges of estimating the distribution of flight heights from telemetry or altimetry data
Background Global positioning systems (GPS) and altimeters are increasingly used to
monitor vertical space use by aerial species, a key aspect of their ecological niche, that we …
monitor vertical space use by aerial species, a key aspect of their ecological niche, that we …
Killer whales are attracted to herring fishing vessels
Marine mammals and fisheries often target the same resources, which can lead to
operational interactions. Potential consequences of operational interaction include …
operational interactions. Potential consequences of operational interaction include …
Energetics as common currency for integrating high resolution activity patterns into dynamic energy budget-individual based models
Dynamic energy budget individual-based models (DEB-IBMs) provide a well-tested
framework for modelling the acquisition and use of energy throughout the life cycle of …
framework for modelling the acquisition and use of energy throughout the life cycle of …