Remote sensing of earth's energy budget: Synthesis and review
The Earth's climate is largely determined by its energy budget. Since the 1960s, satellite
remote sensing has been used in estimating these energy budget components at both the …
remote sensing has been used in estimating these energy budget components at both the …
[HTML][HTML] Land surface temperature retrieval from passive microwave satellite observations: State-of-the-art and future directions
Land surface temperature (LST) is an important variable in the physics of land–surface
processes controlling the heat and water fluxes over the interface between the Earth's …
processes controlling the heat and water fluxes over the interface between the Earth's …
Reconstruction of daytime land surface temperatures under cloud-covered conditions using integrated MODIS/Terra land products and MSG geostationary satellite …
There is considerable demand for satellite observations that can support spatiotemporally
continuous map** of land surface temperature (LST) because of its strong relationships …
continuous map** of land surface temperature (LST) because of its strong relationships …
A framework for the retrieval of all-weather land surface temperature at a high spatial resolution from polar-orbiting thermal infrared and passive microwave data
Land surface temperature (LST) is an important parameter associated with the land-
atmosphere interface. Satellite remote sensing is the most effective method of measuring …
atmosphere interface. Satellite remote sensing is the most effective method of measuring …
Land Surface Temperature Product Validation Best Practice Protocol Version 1.0-October, 2017
The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) has specified the need to systematically
generate andvalidate Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. This document provides …
generate andvalidate Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. This document provides …
[HTML][HTML] An all-weather land surface temperature product based on MSG/SEVIRI observations
A new all-weather land surface temperature (LST) product derived at the Satellite
Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) is presented. It is the first all …
Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) is presented. It is the first all …
Comprehensive in situ validation of five satellite land surface temperature data sets over multiple stations and years
Global land surface temperature (LST) data derived from satellite-based infrared radiance
measurements are highly valuable for various applications in climate research. While in situ …
measurements are highly valuable for various applications in climate research. While in situ …
Conversion of satellite passive microwave signals to land surface “skin” temperature for extremely dry deserts
Satellite passive microwave (PMW) observations are important data sources for obtaining
land surface temperature (LST) especially for cloudy conditions. Considering the generally …
land surface temperature (LST) especially for cloudy conditions. Considering the generally …
Quantifying the clear‐sky bias of satellite land surface temperature using microwave‐based estimates
Most available long‐term databases of land surface temperature (LST) derived from space‐
borne sensors rely on infrared observations and are therefore restricted to clear‐sky …
borne sensors rely on infrared observations and are therefore restricted to clear‐sky …
Estimation of all-weather land surface temperature through correcting cloud-shadowing bias simulated by hourly cloud information
Fusion of thermal infrared (TIR) and passive microwave (PMW) observations are important
techniques for estimating all-weather land surface temperature (LST) of relatively higher …
techniques for estimating all-weather land surface temperature (LST) of relatively higher …