NeXt generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: A survey
Today's wireless networks are characterized by a fixed spectrum assignment policy.
However, a large portion of the assigned spectrum is used sporadically and geographical …
However, a large portion of the assigned spectrum is used sporadically and geographical …
[CARTE][B] Dynamic spectrum access and management in cognitive radio networks
Are you involved in designing the next generation of wireless networks? With spectrum
becoming an ever scarcer resource, it is critical that new systems utilize all available …
becoming an ever scarcer resource, it is critical that new systems utilize all available …
Sharing spectrum through spectrum policy reform and cognitive radio
JM Peha - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Traditionally, interference protection is guaranteed through a policy of spectrum licensing,
whereby wireless systems get exclusive access to spectrum. This is an effective way to …
whereby wireless systems get exclusive access to spectrum. This is an effective way to …
Cross-Layer Routing and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
Throughput maximization is one of the main challenges in cognitive radio ad hoc networks,
where the availability of local spectrum resources may change from time to time and hop by …
where the availability of local spectrum resources may change from time to time and hop by …
Bandwidth aggregation techniques in heterogeneous multi-homed devices: A survey
The widespread deployment of various networking technologies, coupled with the
exponential increase in end-user data demand, have led to the proliferation of multi-homed …
exponential increase in end-user data demand, have led to the proliferation of multi-homed …
Jump-stay based channel-hop** algorithm with guaranteed rendezvous for cognitive radio networks
Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have emerged as advanced and promising paradigm to
exploit the existing wireless spectrum opportunistically. It is crucial for users in CRNs to …
exploit the existing wireless spectrum opportunistically. It is crucial for users in CRNs to …
Allocating dynamic time-spectrum blocks in cognitive radio networks
A number of studies have shown the abundance of unused spectrum in the TV bands. This
is in stark contrast to the overcrowding of wireless devices in the ISM bands. A recent trend …
is in stark contrast to the overcrowding of wireless devices in the ISM bands. A recent trend …
A survey of dynamic spectrum access: Signal processing and networking perspectives
Q Zhao, A Swami - … , Speech and Signal Processing-ICASSP'07, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we provide a survey of dynamic spectrum access techniques. Various
approaches envisioned for dynamic spectrum access are broadly categorized under three …
approaches envisioned for dynamic spectrum access are broadly categorized under three …
KNOWS: Cognitive radio networks over white spaces
FCC has proposed to allow unlicensed operations in the TV broadcast bands. This portion of
the spectrum has several desirable properties for more robust data communication as …
the spectrum has several desirable properties for more robust data communication as …
Cooperative relay for cognitive radio networks
Cognitive radio has been proposed in recent years to promote the spectrum utilization by
exploiting the existence of spectrum holes. The heterogeneity of both spectrum availability …
exploiting the existence of spectrum holes. The heterogeneity of both spectrum availability …