NeXt generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: A survey

IF Akyildiz, WY Lee, MC Vuran, S Mohanty - Computer networks, 2006 - Elsevier
Today's wireless networks are characterized by a fixed spectrum assignment policy.
However, a large portion of the assigned spectrum is used sporadically and geographical …

[CARTE][B] Dynamic spectrum access and management in cognitive radio networks

E Hossain, D Niyato, Z Han - 2009 -
Are you involved in designing the next generation of wireless networks? With spectrum
becoming an ever scarcer resource, it is critical that new systems utilize all available …

Sharing spectrum through spectrum policy reform and cognitive radio

JM Peha - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2009 -
Traditionally, interference protection is guaranteed through a policy of spectrum licensing,
whereby wireless systems get exclusive access to spectrum. This is an effective way to …

Cross-Layer Routing and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

L Ding, T Melodia, SN Batalama… - IEEE transactions on …, 2010 -
Throughput maximization is one of the main challenges in cognitive radio ad hoc networks,
where the availability of local spectrum resources may change from time to time and hop by …

Bandwidth aggregation techniques in heterogeneous multi-homed devices: A survey

K Habak, KA Harras, M Youssef - Computer Networks, 2015 - Elsevier
The widespread deployment of various networking technologies, coupled with the
exponential increase in end-user data demand, have led to the proliferation of multi-homed …

Jump-stay based channel-hop** algorithm with guaranteed rendezvous for cognitive radio networks

Z Lin, H Liu, X Chu, YW Leung - 2011 Proceedings IEEE …, 2011 -
Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have emerged as advanced and promising paradigm to
exploit the existing wireless spectrum opportunistically. It is crucial for users in CRNs to …

Allocating dynamic time-spectrum blocks in cognitive radio networks

Y Yuan, P Bahl, R Chandra, T Moscibroda… - Proceedings of the 8th …, 2007 -
A number of studies have shown the abundance of unused spectrum in the TV bands. This
is in stark contrast to the overcrowding of wireless devices in the ISM bands. A recent trend …

A survey of dynamic spectrum access: Signal processing and networking perspectives

Q Zhao, A Swami - … , Speech and Signal Processing-ICASSP'07, 2007 -
In this paper, we provide a survey of dynamic spectrum access techniques. Various
approaches envisioned for dynamic spectrum access are broadly categorized under three …

KNOWS: Cognitive radio networks over white spaces

Y Yuan, P Bahl, R Chandra, PA Chou… - 2007 2nd IEEE …, 2007 -
FCC has proposed to allow unlicensed operations in the TV broadcast bands. This portion of
the spectrum has several desirable properties for more robust data communication as …

Cooperative relay for cognitive radio networks

J Jia, J Zhang, Q Zhang - IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2009 -
Cognitive radio has been proposed in recent years to promote the spectrum utilization by
exploiting the existence of spectrum holes. The heterogeneity of both spectrum availability …