Deglacial increase of seasonal temperature variability in the tropical ocean
The relatively stable Holocene climate was preceded by a pronounced event of abrupt
warming in the Northern Hemisphere, the termination of the Younger Dryas (YD) cold …
warming in the Northern Hemisphere, the termination of the Younger Dryas (YD) cold …
Elemental settling and burial fluxes in the Cariaco Basin
SE Calvert, DZ Piper, RC Thunell, Y Astor - Marine Chemistry, 2015 - Elsevier
The vertical flux of particles and their interactions within the ocean, together with the global
ocean circulation, control the water-column distribution of a wide range of elements. Such …
ocean circulation, control the water-column distribution of a wide range of elements. Such …
The importance of subsurface nepheloid layers in transport and delivery of sediments to the eastern Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
L Lorenzoni, RC Thunell, CR Benitez-Nelson… - Deep Sea Research …, 2009 - Elsevier
Optical transmissometer measurements were coupled with particulate organic matter (POM)
observations to understand suspended sediment composition and distribution in the eastern …
observations to understand suspended sediment composition and distribution in the eastern …
Dinoflagellate cyst production in the Cariaco Basin: a 12.5 year-long sediment trap study
Seasonal and interannual variability in dinoflagellate cyst production were assessed using a
12.5 year-long sediment trap time series from the Cariaco Basin (southern Caribbean Sea) …
12.5 year-long sediment trap time series from the Cariaco Basin (southern Caribbean Sea) …
Temporal deconvolution of vascular plant-derived fatty acids exported from terrestrial watersheds
Relatively little is known about the amount of time that lapses between the photosynthetic
fixation of carbon by vascular land plants and its incorporation into the marine sedimentary …
fixation of carbon by vascular land plants and its incorporation into the marine sedimentary …
[PDF][PDF] Аридная седиментация в Мировом океане. Рассеянное осадочное вещество атмосферы
АП Лисицын - Геология и геофизика, 2011 - sibran.ru
До недавнего времени осадочное вещество атмосферы и, соответственно, отложения,
связанные с осаждением этого вещества, были вне круга интересов литологии. Это …
связанные с осаждением этого вещества, были вне круга интересов литологии. Это …
Physico-chemical and biological factors influencing dinoflagellate cyst production in the Cariaco Basin
We present a 2.5-year-long sediment trap record of dinoflagellate cyst production in the
Cariaco Basin, off Venezuela (southern Caribbean Sea). The site lies under the influence of …
Cariaco Basin, off Venezuela (southern Caribbean Sea). The site lies under the influence of …
Local and regional geochemical signatures of surface sediments from the Cariaco Basin and Orinoco Delta, Venezuela
NC Martinez, RW Murray, RC Thunell… - …, 2010 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
We have analyzed the chemical compositions of 87 samples from the Cariaco Basin and 20
samples from the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela, in order to better characterize the fluvial …
samples from the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela, in order to better characterize the fluvial …
Arid sedimentation in the oceans and atmospheric particulate matter
AP Lisitzin - Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Recent studies on the continental sources of aerosol production, transport and deposition to
the ocean (natural sink) allowed us to recognize the possibility of long-range high-altitude …
the ocean (natural sink) allowed us to recognize the possibility of long-range high-altitude …
Vertical fluxes of particulate biogenic material through the euphotic and twilight zones in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
Surface-tethered particle interceptor traps (PITs) were deployed at 50 and 100m (1–3 days)
on ten occasions in the Cariaco Basin between March 2007 and November 2009 to …
on ten occasions in the Cariaco Basin between March 2007 and November 2009 to …