Petrogenesis of mare basalts: A record of lunar volcanism

CR Neal, LA Taylor - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1992‏ - Elsevier
Returned rock and soil samples from our nearest planetary neighbor have provided the
basis for much of our understanding of the origin and evolution of the Moon. Of particular …

Magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in the lunar mantle, crust, and regolith: Abundances, distributions, processes, and reservoirs

FM McCubbin, KEV Kaaden, R Tartèse… - American …, 2015‏ -
Many studies exist on magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in and on the Moon, within the
last several years, that have cast into question the post-Apollo view of lunar formation, the …

Volatile content of lunar volcanic glasses and the presence of water in the Moon's interior

AE Saal, EH Hauri, ML Cascio, JA Van Orman… - Nature, 2008‏ -
The Moon is generally thought to have formed and evolved through a single or a series of
catastrophic heating events, during which most of the highly volatile elements were lost …

Pristine lunar glasses: Criteria, data, and implications

JW Delano - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1986‏ - Wiley Online Library
Major‐element analyses of several thousand glasses from all of the Apollo landing sites
have resulted in the identification of 25 groups of pristine (ie, volcanic) glass. The nickel in …

[HTML][HTML] Water in the Moon's interior: Truth and consequences

EH Hauri, AE Saal, MJ Rutherford… - Earth and Planetary …, 2015‏ - Elsevier
Geochemical data for H 2 O and other volatiles, as well as major and trace elements, are
reported for 377 samples of lunar volcanic glass from three chemical groups (A15 green …

Nominally hydrous magmatism on the Moon

FM McCubbin, A Steele, EH Hauri, H Nekvasil… - Proceedings of the …, 2010‏ -
For the past 40 years, the Moon has been described as nearly devoid of indigenous water;
however, evidence for water both on the lunar surface and within the lunar interior have …

New views of lunar geoscience: An introduction and overview

H Hiesinger, JW Head III - Reviews in mineralogy and …, 2006‏ -
Beyond the Earth, the Moon is the only planetary body for which we have samples from
known locations. The analysis of these samples gives us “ground-truth” for numerous remote …

Intricate regolith reworking processes revealed by microstructures on lunar impact glasses

P Yan, Z **ao, Y Wu, W Yang, JH Li… - Journal of …, 2022‏ - Wiley Online Library
Glasses cooled from impact melt and vapor are a common component in lunar regolith,
carrying important information about protolith composition, regolith formation, and impact …

[ספר][B] New views of the Moon

BL Jolliff, MA Wieczorek, CK Shearer, CR Neal - 2006‏ -
The onset of the 21st century is proving to be an exciting time for planetary exploration. A
high level of activity associated with the exploration of Mars and a resurgence of activity …

Petrology of igneous clasts in Northwest Africa 7034: Implications for the petrologic diversity of the Martian crust

AR Santos, CB Agee, FM McCubbin… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2015‏ - Elsevier
Abstract The martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034 was examined both
petrographically and geochemically using several micro-beam techniques including …