Hydroclimate of the Andes part I: main climatic features
The Andes is the longest cordillera in the world and extends from northern South America to
the southern extreme of the continent (from 11° N to 53° S). The Andes runs through seven …
the southern extreme of the continent (from 11° N to 53° S). The Andes runs through seven …
Observed and projected hydroclimate changes in the Andes
The Andes is the most biodiverse region across the globe. In addition, some of the largest
urban areas in South America are located within this region. Therefore, ecosystems and …
urban areas in South America are located within this region. Therefore, ecosystems and …
Sustainable hydropower in the 21st century
Hydropower has been the leading source of renewable energy across the world, accounting
for up to 71% of this supply as of 2016. This capacity was built up in North America and …
for up to 71% of this supply as of 2016. This capacity was built up in North America and …
Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion
Proposed hydropower dams at more than 350 sites throughout the Amazon require strategic
evaluation of trade-offs between the numerous ecosystem services provided by Earth's …
evaluation of trade-offs between the numerous ecosystem services provided by Earth's …
Deforestation impacts on Amazon-Andes hydroclimatic connectivity
Amazonian deforestation has accelerated during the last decade, threatening an ecosystem
where almost one third of the regional rainfall is transpired by the local rainforest. Due to …
where almost one third of the regional rainfall is transpired by the local rainforest. Due to …
Vulnerability of the biota in riverine and seasonally flooded habitats to damming of Amazonian rivers
The extent and intensity of impacts of multiple new dams in the Amazon basin on specific
biological groups are potentially large, but still uncertain and need to be better understood. It …
biological groups are potentially large, but still uncertain and need to be better understood. It …
High rates of rock organic carbon oxidation sustained as Andean sediment transits the Amazon foreland-floodplain
The oxidation of organic carbon contained within sedimentary rocks (“petrogenic” carbon, or
hereafter OCpetro) emits nearly as much CO2 as is released by volcanism, thereby playing …
hereafter OCpetro) emits nearly as much CO2 as is released by volcanism, thereby playing …
Andean headwater and piedmont streams are hot spots of carbon dioxide and methane emissions in the Amazon basin
G Chiriboga, AV Borges - Communications Earth & Environment, 2023 - nature.com
Rivers substantially contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions, yet emissions from
headwater streams are poorly constrained. Here, we report dissolved concentrations of …
headwater streams are poorly constrained. Here, we report dissolved concentrations of …
Rainfall control on Amazon sediment flux: synthesis from 20 years of monitoring
The biodiversity and productivity of the Amazon floodplain depend on nutrients and organic
matter transported with suspended sediments. Nevertheless, there are still fundamental …
matter transported with suspended sediments. Nevertheless, there are still fundamental …
[HTML][HTML] Smart energy planning for the decarbonization of Latin America and the Caribbean in 2050
Abstract Latin America and the Caribbean is a region that has grown enormously in public
policies and especially in the implementation of renewable energy generation plants, which …
policies and especially in the implementation of renewable energy generation plants, which …