Racial inequality in psychological research: Trends of the past and recommendations for the future

SO Roberts, C Bareket-Shavit… - Perspectives on …, 2020‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Race plays an important role in how people think, develop, and behave. In the current
article, we queried more than 26,000 empirical articles published between 1974 and 2018 in …

Challenging the white= neutral framework in psychology

SO Roberts, E Mortenson - Perspectives on Psychological …, 2023‏ - journals.sagepub.com
In the United States, White samples are often portrayed as if their racial identities were
inconsequential to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and research findings derived …

M (ai) cro: Centering the macrosystem in human development

LO Rogers, EY Niwa, K Chung, T Yip, D Chae - Human Development, 2021‏ - karger.com
Both society and psychological science are deeply grounded in (and often perpetuate) white
supremacy and anti-Blackness. While human development is inextricable from macro-level …

[ספר][B] Ableism: The causes and consequences of disability prejudice

MR Nario-Redmond - 2019‏ - books.google.com
The first comprehensive volume to integrate social-scientific literature on the origins and
manifestations of prejudice against disabled people Ableism, prejudice against disabled …

A vicious cycle: A social–psychological account of extreme racial disparities in school discipline

JA Okonofua, GM Walton… - Perspectives on …, 2016‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Can social–psychological theory provide insight into the extreme racial disparities in school
disciplinary action in the United States? Disciplinary problems carry enormous …

Discourse and knowledge

TA Van Dijk - The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis, 2013‏ - api.taylorfrancis.com
Both knowledge and discourse are fundamental notions in the humanities and social
sciences. It is therefore surprising that so little detailed research has been done on the …

Color-blind racial ideology: theory, training, and measurement implications in psychology.

HA Neville, GH Awad, JE Brooks, MP Flores… - American …, 2013‏ - psycnet.apa.org
Synthesizing the interdisciplinary literature, we characterize color-blind racial ideology
(CBRI) as consisting of two interrelated domains: color-evasion (ie, denial of racial …

Racial color blindness: Emergence, practice, and implications

EP Apfelbaum, MI Norton… - Current directions in …, 2012‏ - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, we examine the pervasive endorsement of racial color blindness—the belief
that racial group membership should not be taken into account, or even noticed—as a …

Positive stereotypes are pervasive and powerful

AM Czopp, AC Kay, S Cheryan - … on Psychological Science, 2015‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Stereotypes and their associated category-based processes have traditionally been
considered largely within the context of the negativity of their content and consequences …

Intergroup contact and prejudice reduction: Prospects and challenges in changing youth attitudes

LR Tropp, F White, CL Rucinski… - Review of General …, 2022‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Intergroup contact has long been lauded as a key intervention to reduce prejudice and
improve intergroup attitudes among youth. In this review, we summarize classic perspectives …