Dynamic ID-based remote user password authentication schemes using smart cards: A review
R Madhusudhan, RC Mittal - Journal of Network and Computer …, 2012 - Elsevier
Remote user authentication is a mechanism, in which the remote server verifies the
legitimacy of a user over an insecure communication channel. Until now, there have been …
legitimacy of a user over an insecure communication channel. Until now, there have been …
Anonymous two-factor authentication in distributed systems: Certain goals are beyond attainment
Despite two decades of intensive research, it remains a challenge to design a practical
anonymous two-factor authentication scheme, for the designers are confronted with an …
anonymous two-factor authentication scheme, for the designers are confronted with an …
Chaotic map-based anonymous user authentication scheme with user biometrics and fuzzy extractor for crowdsourcing Internet of Things
The recent proliferation of mobile devices, such as smartphones and wearable devices has
given rise to crowdsourcing Internet of Things (IoT) applications. E-healthcare service is one …
given rise to crowdsourcing Internet of Things (IoT) applications. E-healthcare service is one …
A survey of authentication schemes in telecare medicine information systems
E-Healthcare is an emerging field that provides mobility to its users. The protected health
information of the users are stored at a remote server (Telecare Medical Information System) …
information of the users are stored at a remote server (Telecare Medical Information System) …
On the anonymity of two-factor authentication schemes for wireless sensor networks: Attacks, principle and solutions
Anonymity is among the important properties of two-factor authentication schemes for
wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to preserve user privacy. Though impressive efforts have …
wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to preserve user privacy. Though impressive efforts have …
TEAM: Trust-extended authentication mechanism for vehicular ad hoc networks
MC Chuang, JF Lee - IEEE systems journal, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The security of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) has been receiving a significant amount
of attention in the field of wireless mobile networking because VANETs are vulnerable to …
of attention in the field of wireless mobile networking because VANETs are vulnerable to …
Provably secure dynamic ID-based anonymous two-factor authenticated key exchange protocol with extended security model
Authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol allows a user and a server to authenticate each
other and generate a session key for the subsequent communications. With the rapid …
other and generate a session key for the subsequent communications. With the rapid …
Security analysis of a chaotic map-based authentication scheme for telecare medicine information systems
Many authentication schemes have been proposed for telecare medicine information
systems (TMIS) to ensure the privacy, integrity, and availability of patient records. These …
systems (TMIS) to ensure the privacy, integrity, and availability of patient records. These …
A secure and efficient chaotic map-based authenticated key agreement scheme for telecare medicine information systems
Advancement in network technology provides new ways to utilize telecare medicine
information systems (TMIS) for patient care. Although TMIS usually faces various attacks as …
information systems (TMIS) for patient care. Although TMIS usually faces various attacks as …
Preserving privacy for free: Efficient and provably secure two-factor authentication scheme with user anonymity
Due to its simplicity, portability and robustness, two-factor authentication has received much
interest in the past two decades. While security-related issues have been well studied, how …
interest in the past two decades. While security-related issues have been well studied, how …