Automatic heterogeneous quantization of deep neural networks for low-latency inference on the edge for particle detectors
Although the quest for more accurate solutions is pushing deep learning research towards
larger and more complex algorithms, edge devices demand efficient inference and therefore …
larger and more complex algorithms, edge devices demand efficient inference and therefore …
Enabling fast differentially private sgd via just-in-time compilation and vectorization
A common pain point in differentially private machine learning is the significant runtime
overhead incurred when executing Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent …
overhead incurred when executing Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent …
Beyond human-level accuracy: Computational challenges in deep learning
Deep learning (DL) research yields accuracy and product improvements from both model
architecture changes and scale: larger data sets and models, and more computation. For …
architecture changes and scale: larger data sets and models, and more computation. For …
Recognition of building group patterns using graph convolutional network
Recognition of building group patterns is of great significance for understanding and
modeling the urban space. However, many current methods cannot fully utilize spatial …
modeling the urban space. However, many current methods cannot fully utilize spatial …
Is deeper always better? Evaluating deep learning models for yield forecasting with small data
Predicting crop yields, and especially anomalously low yields, is of special importance for
food insecure countries. In this study, we investigate a flexible deep learning approach to …
food insecure countries. In this study, we investigate a flexible deep learning approach to …
Classification of broad absorption line quasars with a convolutional neural network
Quasars that exhibit blueshifted, broad absorption lines (BAL QSOs) are an important probe
of black hole feedback on galaxy evolution. Yet the presence of BALs is also a complication …
of black hole feedback on galaxy evolution. Yet the presence of BALs is also a complication …
Artificial neural network-based sequential approximate optimization of metal sheet architecture and forming process
SS Han, HK Kim - Journal of Computational Design and …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
This paper introduces a sequential approximate optimization method that combines the finite
element method (FEM), dynamic differential evolution (DDE), and artificial neural network …
element method (FEM), dynamic differential evolution (DDE), and artificial neural network …
The Next 700 ML-Enabled Compiler Optimizations
There is a growing interest in enhancing compiler optimizations with ML models, yet
interactions between compilers and ML frameworks remain challenging. Some optimizations …
interactions between compilers and ML frameworks remain challenging. Some optimizations …
APPy: Annotated Parallelism for Python on GPUs
GPUs are increasingly being used used to speed up Python applications in the scientific
computing and machine learning domains. Currently, the two common approaches to …
computing and machine learning domains. Currently, the two common approaches to …
imageseg: An R package for deep learning‐based image segmentation
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and deep learning are powerful and robust tools for
ecological applications, and are particularly suited for image data. Image segmentation (the …
ecological applications, and are particularly suited for image data. Image segmentation (the …