The kell calculus: A family of higher-order distributed process calculi
A Schmitt, JB Stefani - Global Computing: IST/FET International Workshop …, 2005 - Springer
This paper presents the Kell calculus, a family of distributed process calculi, parameterized
by languages for input patterns, that is intended as a basis for studying component-based …
by languages for input patterns, that is intended as a basis for studying component-based …
Information flow security in dynamic contexts
We study information flow security in the setting of mobile agents. We propose a sufficient
condition to security named Persistent_BNDC. A process is Persistent_BNDC when every of …
condition to security named Persistent_BNDC. A process is Persistent_BNDC when every of …
The seal calculus
The Seal Calculus is a process language for describing mobile computation. Threads and
resources are tree structured; the nodes thereof correspond to agents, the units of mobility …
resources are tree structured; the nodes thereof correspond to agents, the units of mobility …
Access control for mobile agents: The calculus of boxed ambients
M Bugliesi, G Castagna, S Crafa - ACM Transactions on Programming …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
Boxed Ambients are a variant of Mobile Ambients that result from drop** the open
capability and introducing new primitives for ambient communication. The new model of …
capability and introducing new primitives for ambient communication. The new model of …
Using Ambients to Control Resources*
D Teller, P Zimmer, D Hirschkoff - … Brno, Czech Republic, August 20–23 …, 2002 - Springer
Current software and hardware systems, being parallel and reconfigurable, raise new safety
and reliability problems, and the resolution of these problems requires new methods …
and reliability problems, and the resolution of these problems requires new methods …
Communication and mobility control in boxed ambients
Boxed Ambients (BA) replace Mobile Ambients' open capability with communication
primitives acting across ambient boundaries. The expressiveness of the new communication …
primitives acting across ambient boundaries. The expressiveness of the new communication …
Basic observables for a calculus for global computing
We develop the semantic theory of a foundational language for modelling applications over
global computers whose interconnection structure can be explicitly manipulated. Together …
global computers whose interconnection structure can be explicitly manipulated. Together …
A distributed abstract machine for boxed ambient calculi
Boxed ambient calculi have been used to model and reason about a wide variety of
problems in mobile computing. Recently, several new variants of Boxed Ambients have …
problems in mobile computing. Recently, several new variants of Boxed Ambients have …
L'organisation ménagère comme pédagogie
J Clarke - Travail, genre et sociétés, 2005 - shs.cairn.info
1 Entre les deux guerres, un mouvement international visant à promouvoir une organisation
scientifique du travail se développa en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. En France, on …
scientifique du travail se développa en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. En France, on …
Deriving bisimulation congruences: 2-categories vs precategories
V Sassone, P Sobociśki - … of Software Science and Computation Structures …, 2003 - Springer
G-relative pushouts (GRPOs) have recently been proposed by the authors as a new
foundation for Leifer and Milner's approach to deriving labelled bisimulation congruences …
foundation for Leifer and Milner's approach to deriving labelled bisimulation congruences …