Constructing antidictionaries in output-sensitive space

LAK Ayad, G Badkobeh, G Fici… - 2019 Data …, 2019 -
A word x that is absent from a word y is called minimal if all its proper factors occur in y.
Given a collection of k words y 1, y 2,..., yk over an alphabet Σ, we are asked to compute the …

Hardness Results on Characteristics for Elastic-Degenerated Strings

D Köppl, J Olbrich - arxiv preprint arxiv:2411.10653, 2024 -
Generalizations of plain strings have been proposed as a compact way to represent a
collection of nearly identical sequences or to express uncertainty at specific text positions by …

Constructing antidictionaries of long texts in output-sensitive space

LAK Ayad, G Badkobeh, G Fici, A Héliou… - Theory of Computing …, 2021 - Springer
A word x that is absent from a word y is called minimal if all its proper factors occur in y.
Given a collection of k words y 1,…, yk over an alphabet Σ, we are asked to compute the set …

[PDF][PDF] 未決定文字列における欠如単語の検索の困難さ

D Köppl, J Olbrich - 研究報告アルゴリズム (AL), 2024 -
単純な文字列の一般化の一つは未決定文字列である. 未決定文字列の中に,
各位置に一つの文字が格納されているだけではなく, 複数の文字の選択肢が認められている …

[PDF][PDF] Combinatorial Approaches for Compact String Indexing and Efficient Pattern Discovery

藤重雄大 - 2020 -
With recent improvements in observational technology and developments of the Internet, we
can obtain large amounts of data such as meteorological data, web data, and biological …