The palaeobiology and geochemistry of Precambrian hydrocarbon source rocks

J Craig, U Biffi, RF Galimberti, KAR Ghori… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2013 - Elsevier
Organic carbon productivity and formation of hydrocarbon source rocks during the Early
Precambrian was almost exclusively the product of the growth of microbial mats. Indirect …

Purana basins of peninsular India: a review

VS Kale, VG Phansalkar - Basin Research, 1991 -
Seven supracratonic, Proterozoic basins, occupying more than a fifth of the Precambrian
exposures in the Indian Peninsula, comprise the Purana basins. A comprehensive review of …

The antiquity of oxygenic photosynthesis: evidence from stromatolites in sulphate-deficient Archaean lakes

R Buick - Science, 1992 -
The Tumbiana Formation, about 2700 million years old, was largely deposited in ephemeral
saline lakes, as judged by the unusual evaporite paragenesis of carbonate and halite with …

Mesoproterozoic megafossil Chuaria–Tawuia association may represent parts of a multicellular plant, Vindhyan Supergroup, Central India

S Kumar - Precambrian Research, 2001 - Elsevier
Nine megafossils are described from about 1 billion-year-old Suket Shale of the Semri
Group (lower Vindhyan), Rampura area, Neemuch district, Madhya Pradesh. Eight are …

Organic-walled microfossils from the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup of Son Valley, Madhya Pradesh, India

B Prasad, SN Uniyal, R Asher - 2005 -
Well-preserved and diversified organic-walled microfossil assemblages are recorded from
the Vindhyan sediments of Son Valley and DMH-A well, in Madhya Pradesh. The …

Bhojunda Stromatolite Park (Rajasthan, NW India): a Window to Early Life and a Cry for Geoconservation

MA Quasim, S Jain, A Naz, BP Singh, I Ahmad, M Shaif - Geoheritage, 2024 - Springer
Abstract In India, Rajasthan, the northwestern part of India, possesses geological diversity
comparable to its cultural richness. This paper focuses on evaluating a promising geological …

Potential for oil and gas in the Proterozoic carbonates (Sirban Limestone) of Jammu, northern India

GM Bhat, G Ram, S Koul - 2009 -
Abstract The Proterozoic Sirban Limestone of Jammu in northern India contains an
assemblage of Neoproterozoic microflora comparable to other such assemblages from …

A Reinterpretation of two Chertbreccias from the Proterozoic Basins of India

VS Kale, S Patil Pillai - Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2011 - Springer
Several horizons of a unique lithotype called “chertbreccia” are interbedded within the
Proterozoic platform sediments of the Peninsular India. These cherty rocks with brecciated …

[PDF][PDF] Precambrian and Lower Cambrian stromatolites of the lesser Himalaya, India

VC Tewari - 1993 -
In the lesser Himalayan carbonate formations all known stromatolite assemblages with
Lower, Middle. Upper Riphean, Vendian and Lower Cambrian (Tommotian and Lenian) …

Coniform stromatolites and the Vindhyan Supergroup, Central India: implication for basinal correlation and age

Y Misra, S Kumar - Journal of the Palaeontological Society of …, 2005 -
Five coniform stromatolites are described from the Semri Group. Two are from the Kajrahat
Limestone viz., Calypso sp. and Thyssagetes sp., and three are from the Fawn Limestone …