Multi-task fully convolutional network for tree species map** in dense forests using small training hyperspectral data
This work proposes a multi-task fully convolutional architecture for tree species map** in
dense forests from sparse and scarce polygon-level annotations using hyperspectral UAV …
dense forests from sparse and scarce polygon-level annotations using hyperspectral UAV …
Generalized Logarithmic Species-Area Relationship Resolves the Arrhenius-Gleason Debate
The species-area relationship (SAR) is widely applied in ecology. Mathematically, it is
usually expressed as either a semi-log or power-law relationship, with the former being …
usually expressed as either a semi-log or power-law relationship, with the former being …
Modeling the Impacts of Global Change on Tree Growth and Stand Density of Boreal Forests in Canada
K Xu - 2022 - era.library.ualberta.ca
Global change of environment and human activity has profoundly impacted boreal forests in
structure, dynamics and function, imposing serious challenges for maintaining forest growth …
structure, dynamics and function, imposing serious challenges for maintaining forest growth …
Forest carbon budgets and climate change
Y Malhi, S Moore, T Riutta - Routledge Handbook of Forest …, 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Fire as a major ecosystem process The unique distribution and stand characteristics of
global forests are the result of interactions between vegetation and the environment over …
global forests are the result of interactions between vegetation and the environment over …
Big Fires, Big Trees, and Big Plots: Enhancing our Ecological Understanding of Fire with Unprecedented Field Data
TJ Furniss - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Wildfire is an inexorable process in western landscapes, posing a major challenge to land
managers: how can we use fire to restore healthy forests without jeopardizing human …
managers: how can we use fire to restore healthy forests without jeopardizing human …