Payment schemes for resource reallocation in hierarchical medical system: Fee-for-capacity versus performance payment

ZP Li, JJ Wang, L Yu - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
This study explores resource reallocation, or capacity sinking, in a hierarchical medical
system that includes a healthcare funder, a comprehensive hospital, a community hospital …

Favorable risk selection in Medicare Advantage: The effect of allowing non-medical services

W Hwang, JO Jónasson, H Peura - Available at SSRN 4551435, 2023 -
Problem definition: Following recent legislation, private insurers who participate in Medicare
Advantage (MA) have been allowed to expand their set of supplementary services to include …

Navigating incentive challenges in capitation payment models: A novel retrospective payment model

T Tezcan - Available at SSRN 4615485, 2023 -
Healthcare systems are increasingly adopting capitation payments to reduce costs. In the
conventional capitation payment model, insurance companies receive predetermined, risk …

Beyond Fee-for-Service: How Comprehensive Contracts Can Transform Primary Care

M Ozbek, H Bavafa, ED Gunes… - Available at SSRN …, 2023 -
Problem definition: We study" comprehensive contracts," which are performance-based
reimbursement schemes for managing patients with chronic conditions. If well designed …

Contract Mechanism for a Dual-Channel Healthcare System Coordinating Traditional Hospitals and Online Healthcare Platforms

Z Li, J Chang, TCE Cheng - Available at SSRN 5084176 -
Online healthcare platforms have rapidly emerged as an effective means of delivering
healthcare, enabling hospitals to provide patient services through digital channels. In a dual …

Improving Access and Appropriate Use for Substitutable Medical Treatments

F Zhou, S Nassiri, R Anupindi - Available at SSRN 3937488, 2021 -
Problem definition: A medical condition can often be treated in one of several ways with
varying prices and whose appropriateness is patient-specific. Higher prices may limit access …