A novel artificial intelligence approach to predict blast-induced ground vibration in open-pit mines based on the firefly algorithm and artificial neural network

Y Shang, H Nguyen, XN Bui, QH Tran… - Natural Resources …, 2020 - Springer
The primary purpose of this study was to develop a novel hybrid artificial intelligence model,
with a robust performance, to predict ground vibration induced by bench blasting. An …

Laboratory and numerical investigation of machine foundations reinforced with geogrids and geocells

H Venkateswarlu, KN Ujjawal, A Hegde - Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2018 - Elsevier
The manuscript describes the results of large scale field tests and numerical studies
conducted on geosynthetics reinforced soil beds supporting model machine foundation. A …

Computational intelligence model for estimating intensity of blast-induced ground vibration in a mine based on imperialist competitive and extreme gradient boosting …

Z Ding, H Nguyen, XN Bui, J Zhou… - Natural Resources …, 2020 - Springer
In this paper, we developed a novel hybrid model ICA–XGBoost for estimating blast-
produced ground vibration in a mine based on extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) and …

Reducing railway-induced ground-borne vibration by using open trenches and soft-filled barriers

DJ Thompson, J Jiang, MGR Toward… - Soil Dynamics and …, 2016 - Elsevier
A trench can act as a barrier to ground vibration and is a potential mitigation measure for low
frequency vibration induced by surface railways. However, to be effective at very low …

Full scale field studies for assessing the vibration isolation performance of single and dual trenches

N Jauhari, A Hegde, P Chakrabortty - Transportation Geotechnics, 2023 - Elsevier
The ground-borne vibrations induced due to construction operations transmit to the
surroundings in the form of stress waves. These vibrations severely impact sensitive …

Feasibility of ambient vibration screening by periodic geofoam-filled trenches

X Pu, Z Shi, H **ang - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018 - Elsevier
Single in-filled trench barriers have been widely investigated to mitigate ground vibrations.
However, investigations on the application of multiple rows of in-filled trenches are very …

Screening effectiveness of open and in-filled wave barriers: a full-scale experimental study

D Ulgen, O Toygar - Construction and Building Materials, 2015 - Elsevier
The isolation of ground-borne vibrations caused by heavy traffic, construction activities and
railway transportation has gained importance in recent years with rapid urbanization. Open …

The surface wave attenuation zone of periodic composite in-filled trenches and its isolation performance in train-induced ground vibration isolation

C Cai, L Gao, X He, Y Zou, K Yu, D Wu - Computers and Geotechnics, 2021 - Elsevier
The mitigation of surface wave is the primary concern in ground vibration isolation due to the
energy of wave propagation in the soil being concentrated in the surface wave. Herein, a …

Vibration isolation of over-track buildings in a metro depot by using trackside wave barriers

C Zou, Y Wang, X Zhang, Z Tao - Journal of Building Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
More and more cities consider to build superstructures over metro depots to
comprehensively exploit the air space. However, metro train operations into and out of …

Efficient mitigation of high-speed train vibrations on adjacent reinforced concrete buildings

A Lyratzakis, Y Tsompanakis… - Construction and Building …, 2022 - Elsevier
The detrimental impact of vibrations on adjacent reinforced concrete (RC) buildings due to
high-speed train (HST) passage is investigated in this work. For this purpose, an elaborate …