Current algorithms, communication methods and designs for underwater swarm robotics: A review

J Connor, B Champion, MA Joordens - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020 -
As technology advances, the places we have been able to explore have drastically
increased. However, the advancements in the underwater realm have staggered behind …

An energy efficient routing protocol based on improved artificial bee colony algorithm for wireless sensor networks

Z Wang, H Ding, B Li, L Bao, Z Yang - IEEE access, 2020 -
Clustering sensor nodes is an effective method in designing routing algorithms for Wireless
Sensor Networks (WSNs), which improves network lifetime and energy efficiency. In …

Energy-efficient coverage optimization in wireless sensor networks based on Voronoi-Glowworm Swarm Optimization-K-means algorithm

A Chowdhury, D De - Ad Hoc Networks, 2021 - Elsevier
Deployment of sensor nodes is one of the crucial factors in mobile wireless sensor networks
for improving the performance of the network. The network's lifetime primarily depends on …

Artificial bee colony algorithm based on adaptive neighborhood search and Gaussian perturbation

S **ao, H Wang, W Wang, Z Huang, X Zhou… - Applied Soft Computing, 2021 - Elsevier
Artificial bee colony (ABC) is a type of popular swarm intelligence optimization algorithm. It is
widely concerned because of its easy implementation, few parameters and strong global …

IHHO: an improved Harris Hawks optimization algorithm for solving engineering problems

DT Akl, MM Saafan, AY Haikal, EM El-Gendy - Neural Computing and …, 2024 - Springer
Harris Hawks optimization (HHO) algorithm was a powerful metaheuristic algorithm for
solving complex problems. However, HHO could easily fall within the local minimum. In this …

Scientific workflow scheduling in multi-cloud computing using a hybrid multi-objective optimization algorithm

A Mohammadzadeh, M Masdari - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and …, 2023 - Springer
Multi-cloud is the use of multiple cloud computing in a single heterogeneous architecture.
Workflow scheduling in multi-cloud computing is an NP-Hard problem for which many …

Novel metaheuristic routing algorithm with optimized energy and enhanced coverage for WSNs

R Zulfiqar, T Javid, ZA Ali, V Uddin - Ad Hoc Networks, 2023 - Elsevier
The distribution of sensor nodes is the key factor in mobile wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
to enhance the functionality of the network. The effectiveness of a wireless sensor network …

Aquila optimization-based cluster head selection and honey badger-based energy efficient routing protocol in wsn

S Venkatasubramanian, S Hariprasath - Proceedings of the International …, 2022 - Springer
To keep tabs on and document events over a big region, wireless sensor networks (WSN)
link together a slew of nodes dispersed across it. Nodes in a WSN can function indefinitely …

Cooperative optimization techniques in distributed MAC protocols–a survey

R Subramanyam, YA Jancy… - International Journal of …, 2024 -
Purpose Cross-layer approach in media access control (MAC) layer will address
interference and jamming problems. Hybrid distributed MAC can be used for simultaneous …

Wind driven butterfly optimization algorithm with hybrid mechanism avoiding natural enemies for global optimization and PID controller design

Y He, Y Zhou, Y Wei, Q Luo, W Deng - Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2023 - Springer
This paper presents a Butterfly Optimization Algorithm (BOA) with a wind-driven mechanism
for avoiding natural enemies known as WDBOA. To further balance the basic BOA …