[HTML][HTML] Sea level rise drowned a vast habitable area of north-western Australia driving long-term cultural change
For most of the period of human occupation of Sahul (the combined Pleistocene landmass of
Australia and New Guinea), lower sea levels exposed an extensive area of the northwest of …
Australia and New Guinea), lower sea levels exposed an extensive area of the northwest of …
[HTML][HTML] Forty-thousand years of maritime subsistence near a changing shoreline on Alor Island (Indonesia)
We report archaeological findings from a significant new cave site on Alor Island, Indonesia,
with an in situ basal date of 40,208–38,454 cal BP. Twenty thousand years older than the …
with an in situ basal date of 40,208–38,454 cal BP. Twenty thousand years older than the …
Abrupt onset of intensive human occupation 44,000 years ago on the threshold of Sahul
Archaeological evidence attests multiple early dispersals of Homo sapiens out of Africa, but
genetic evidence points to the primacy of a single dispersal 70-40 ka. Laili in Timor-Leste is …
genetic evidence points to the primacy of a single dispersal 70-40 ka. Laili in Timor-Leste is …
Landscape rules predict optimal superhighways for the first peopling of Sahul
Archaeological data and demographic modelling suggest that the peopling of Sahul
required substantial populations, occurred rapidly within a few thousand years and …
required substantial populations, occurred rapidly within a few thousand years and …
Early human settlement of Sahul was not an accident
The first peopling of Sahul (Australia, New Guinea and the Aru Islands joined at lower sea
levels) by anatomically modern humans required multiple maritime crossings through …
levels) by anatomically modern humans required multiple maritime crossings through …
Physiography, foraging mobility, and the first peopling of Sahul
The route and speed of migration into Sahul by Homo sapiens remain a major research
question in archaeology. Here, we introduce an approach which models the impact of the …
question in archaeology. Here, we introduce an approach which models the impact of the …
Stochastic models support rapid peopling of Late Pleistocene Sahul
The peopling of Sahul (the combined continent of Australia and New Guinea) represents the
earliest continental migration and settlement event of solely anatomically modern humans …
earliest continental migration and settlement event of solely anatomically modern humans …
Papuan mitochondrial genomes and the settlement of Sahul
New Guineans represent one of the oldest locally continuous populations outside Africa,
harboring among the greatest linguistic and genetic diversity on the planet. Archeological …
harboring among the greatest linguistic and genetic diversity on the planet. Archeological …
Global hunter-gatherer population densities constrained by influence of seasonality on diet composition
The dependence of hunter-gatherers on local net primary production (NPP) to provide food
played a major role in sha** long-term human population dynamics. Observations of …
played a major role in sha** long-term human population dynamics. Observations of …
[BOG][B] From Arabia to the Pacific: How our species colonised Asia
R Dennell - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Drawing upon invasion biology and the latest archaeological, skeletal and environment
evidence, From Arabia to the Pacific documents the migration of humans into Asia, and …
evidence, From Arabia to the Pacific documents the migration of humans into Asia, and …