Traffic flow through an intersection by reducing platoon interference

A Sharma - US Patent 9,412,271, 2016 - Google Patents
G08G I/056(2006.01) Methods, systems, and computer program products for opti G08G
I/065(2006.01) mizing automobile traffic flow through an intersection by G08G I/08(2006.01) …

Network-level turning movement counts estimation using traffic controller event-based data

P Xu, X Li, YJ Wu, H Noh - Journal of Intelligent Transportation …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Accurate turning movement counts (TMCs) data collected from regional-wide signalized
intersections is critical to regional transportation planning and simulation modeling. A variety …

A probe-vehicle-based evaluation of adaptive traffic signal control

MP Hunter, SK Wu, HK Kim… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 -
In 2005, the Cobb County Department of Transportation, Cobb County, GA, conducted an
adaptive signal control pilot study implementing the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic …

Building intelligence in automated traffic signal performance measures with advanced data analytics

T Huang, S Poddar, C Aguilar… - Transportation …, 2018 -
Automated traffic signal performance measures (ATSPMs) are designed to equip traffic
signal controllers with high-resolution data-logging capabilities which may be used to …

Outcome-oriented performance measures for management of signalized arterial capacity

CM Day, JR Sturdevant… - Transportation Research …, 2010 -
The design of traffic signal timing plans is typically based on a single day of manual turning
movement counts. Once systems are constructed and settings are implemented, they …

Urban traffic analysis through multi-modal sensing

M Perttunen, V Kostakos, J Riekki, T Ojala - Personal and Ubiquitous …, 2015 - Springer
This paper makes contributions toward adopting a systemic view of city-wide ubiquitous
systems. Here, we present methods and techniques for combining multiple sensing …

[HTML][HTML] Real-Time Performance Measurement Application via Bluetooth Signals for Signalized Intersections

F Yalçınlı, B Akdemir, A Durdu - Applied Sciences, 2024 -
Improving the performance at signalized intersections can be achieved through different
management styles or sensor technologies. It is crucial that we measure the real-time impact …

Evaluation of actuated, coordinated, and adaptive signal control systems: A case study

I Chia, X Wu, SS Dhaliwal, J Thai… - Journal of Transportation …, 2017 -
As urban traffic congestion grows, traffic engineers must find ways to maximize the efficiency
of traffic signal control. Different control strategies, including actuated, coordinated, and …

Use of connected vehicle data to identify signal timing plans on signalized arterial corridors

S Mahmud, T Huang, A Sharma… - 2023 IEEE International …, 2023 -
This study demonstrates an approach for applying connected vehicle (CV) trajectory
datasets to identify the cycle length, time-of-day (TOD) plan, and distributions of green times …

Dynamic bandwidth analysis for coordinated arterial streets

S Kim, A Hajbabaie, BM Williams… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
A commonly used strategy for improving mobility along signalized arterials is to coordinate
neighboring intersections to minimize vehicle stops by maximizing the duration of green …