Sustaining cooperation in laboratory public goods experiments: a selective survey of the literature
I survey the literature post Ledyard (Handbook of Experimental Economics, ed. by J. Kagel,
A. Roth, Chap. 2, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1995) on three related issues in …
A. Roth, Chap. 2, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1995) on three related issues in …
Entry into winner-take-all and proportional-prize contests: An experimental study
This experiment compares the performance of two contest designs: a standard winner-take-
all tournament with a single fixed prize, and a novel proportional-payment design in which …
all tournament with a single fixed prize, and a novel proportional-payment design in which …
Identities, selection, and contributions in a public-goods game
The notions of one's social identity and group membership have recently become topics for
economic theory and experiments, and recent research has shown the importance of identity …
economic theory and experiments, and recent research has shown the importance of identity …
Cross-cultural variation in cooperation: A meta-analysis.
Impersonal cooperation among strangers enables societies to create valuable public goods,
such as infrastructure, public services, and democracy. Several factors have been proposed …
such as infrastructure, public services, and democracy. Several factors have been proposed …
Identity, homophily and in-group bias
Many instances of social interaction display either or both of the following well-documented
phenomena. People tend to interact with similar others (homophily). They also tend to treat …
phenomena. People tend to interact with similar others (homophily). They also tend to treat …
Using experimental methods to understand why and how we give to charity
Individuals who are concerned for a nonprofit's mission benefit from activities that increase
the nonprofit's output. As these benefits are enjoyed by anyone with similar concerns …
the nonprofit's output. As these benefits are enjoyed by anyone with similar concerns …
Organ allocation policy and the decision to donate
Organ donations from deceased donors provide the majority of transplanted organs in the
United States, and one deceased donor can save numerous lives by providing multiple …
United States, and one deceased donor can save numerous lives by providing multiple …
Endogenous group formation
While the rules governing the formation of groups engaging in collective action may have
significant impact on group size and behavior of members, most experiments on public …
significant impact on group size and behavior of members, most experiments on public …
Continuous time and communication in a public-goods experiment
We investigate the nature of continuous time strategic interaction in public-goods games. In
one set of treatments, four subjects make contribution decisions in continuous time during a …
one set of treatments, four subjects make contribution decisions in continuous time during a …
Efficient coordination in weakest-link games
Coordination problems resembling weakest-link games with multiple Pareto ranked
equilibria are ubiquitous in the economy and society. This makes it important to understand …
equilibria are ubiquitous in the economy and society. This makes it important to understand …