Excitatory/inhibitory balance and circuit homeostasis in autism spectrum disorders

SB Nelson, V Valakh - Neuron, 2015‏ - cell.com
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and related neurological disorders are associated with
mutations in many genes affecting the ratio between neuronal excitation and inhibition …

Diagnosis and management of Cornelia de Lange syndrome: first international consensus statement

AD Kline, JF Moss, A Selicorni, AM Bisgaard… - Nature Reviews …, 2018‏ - nature.com
Abstract Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is an archetypical genetic syndrome that is
characterized by intellectual disability, well-defined facial features, upper limb anomalies …

Neurodiversity and autism intervention: Reconciling perspectives through a naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention framework

RK Schuck, DM Tagavi, KMP Baiden, P Dwyer… - Journal of Autism and …, 2022‏ - Springer
Proponents of autism intervention and those of the neurodiversity movement often appear at
odds, the former advocating for intensive treatments and the latter arguing that autism must …

'People should be allowed to do what they like': Autistic adults' views and experiences of stimming

SK Kapp, R Steward, L Crane, D Elliott, C Elphick… - …, 2019‏ - journals.sagepub.com
'Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements' are characterised as core features in the
diagnosis of autism, yet many autistic adults (and the neurodiversity movement) have …

Being versus appearing socially uninterested: Challenging assumptions about social motivation in autism

VK Jaswal, N Akhtar - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2019‏ - cambridge.org
Progress in psychological science can be limited by a number of factors, not least of which
are the starting assumptions of scientists themselves. We believe that some influential …

Salience network–based classification and prediction of symptom severity in children with autism

LQ Uddin, K Supekar, CJ Lynch, A Khouzam… - JAMA …, 2013‏ - jamanetwork.com
Importance Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects 1 in 88 children and is characterized by
a complex phenotype, including social, communicative, and sensorimotor deficits. Autism …

Intolerance of uncertainty as a framework for understanding anxiety in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders

C Boulter, M Freeston, M South, J Rodgers - Journal of autism and …, 2014‏ - Springer
Anxiety is a problem for many children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).
There is a paucity of models of the cognitive processes underlying this. Intolerance of …

Anxiety and depression from adolescence to old age in autism spectrum disorder

M Uljarević, D Hedley, RY Cai, AY Hardan… - Encyclopedia of autism …, 2021‏ - Springer
The Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland Ltd.(Aspire) was established in 1995 as a
registered charity (CHY 11438) and a company (incorporation No. 231996). The original …

“It feels like holding back something you need to say”: Autistic and non-autistic adults accounts of sensory experiences and stimming

RA Charlton, T Entecott, E Belova… - Research in Autism …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Background Restricted repetitive behaviours and sensory sensitivities are core features of
autism and have been explored in childhood. However, few studies have examined adult …

Anxiety, intolerance of uncertainty and restricted and repetitive behaviour: Insights directly from young people with ASD

C Joyce, E Honey, SR Leekam, SL Barrett… - Journal of autism and …, 2017‏ - Springer
In order to investigate the experience of anxiety and restricted and repetitive behaviours
(RRB) in young people with ASD, 19 families with young people with ASD aged between 13 …