[PDF][PDF] Comparative review of the features of automated software testing tools
Software testing is considered to be one of the most important processes in software
development for it verifies if the system meets the user requirements and specification …
development for it verifies if the system meets the user requirements and specification …
Exiting the risk assessment maze: A meta-survey
Organizations are exposed to threats that increase the risk factor of their ICT systems. The
assurance of their protection is crucial, as their reliance on information technology is a …
assurance of their protection is crucial, as their reliance on information technology is a …
Information security risk assessment methods in cloud computing: Comprehensive review
Cloud computing faces more security threats, requiring better security measures. This paper
examines the various classification and categorization schemes for cloud computing security …
examines the various classification and categorization schemes for cloud computing security …
The octave allegro method in risk management assessment of educational institutions
J Hom, B Anong, KB Rii, LK Choi… - Aptisi Transactions on …, 2020 - att.aptisi.or.id
Risk management is useful in overcoming various problems such as not optimal business
processes, the company's reputation down, financial loss, or bankruptcy of a company. In the …
processes, the company's reputation down, financial loss, or bankruptcy of a company. In the …
Achieving a data-driven risk assessment methodology for ethical AI
The AI landscape demands a broad set of legal, ethical, and societal considerations to be
accounted for in order to develop ethical AI (eAI) solutions which sustain human values and …
accounted for in order to develop ethical AI (eAI) solutions which sustain human values and …
Information security risk management models for cloud hosted systems: A comparative study
Cloud hosting approach is becoming a popular choice for management. Having the
information hosted in the cloud increase the risks and threats. A strong Security Model is …
information hosted in the cloud increase the risks and threats. A strong Security Model is …
Information security risk management for computerized health information systems in hospitals: a case study of Iran
Background In recent years, hospitals in Iran–similar to those in other countries–have
experienced growing use of computerized health information systems (CHISs), which play a …
experienced growing use of computerized health information systems (CHISs), which play a …
MARISMA-BiDa pattern: Integrated risk analysis for big data
Data is one of the most important assets for all types of companies, which have undoubtedly
grown their quantity and the ways of exploiting them. Big Data appears in this context as a …
grown their quantity and the ways of exploiting them. Big Data appears in this context as a …
When security risk assessment meets advanced metering infrastructure: Identifying the appropriate method
Leading risk assessment standards such as the NIST SP 800-39 and ISO 27005 state that
information security risk assessment (ISRA) is one of the crucial stages in the risk …
information security risk assessment (ISRA) is one of the crucial stages in the risk …
Manajemen Risiko Sistem Informasi Akademik pada Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Metoda Octave Allegro
Kesadaran akan pentingnya keamanan sistem informasi beserta aset-asetnya bagi suatu
organisasi dan dampak yang mungkin timbul akibat kerusakan sistem informasi beserta …
organisasi dan dampak yang mungkin timbul akibat kerusakan sistem informasi beserta …