Freshwater and its role in the Arctic Marine System: Sources, disposition, storage, export, and physical and biogeochemical consequences in the Arctic and global …

EC Carmack, M Yamamoto‐Kawai… - Journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Arctic Ocean is a fundamental node in the global hydrological cycle and the
ocean's thermohaline circulation. We here assess the system's key functions and …

Greater role for Atlantic inflows on sea-ice loss in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean

IV Polyakov, AV Pnyushkov, MB Alkire, IM Ashik… - Science, 2017 -
Arctic sea-ice loss is a leading indicator of climate change and can be attributed, in large
part, to atmospheric forcing. Here, we show that recent ice reductions, weakening of the …

The Pan-Arctic continental slope: Sharp gradients of physical processes affect pelagic and benthic ecosystems

BA Bluhm, MA Janout, SL Danielson… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2020 -
Continental slopes–steep regions between the shelf break and abyssal ocean–play key
roles in the climatology and ecology of the Arctic Ocean. Here, through review and …

Weakening of cold halocline layer exposes sea ice to oceanic heat in the eastern Arctic Ocean

IV Polyakov, TP Rippeth, I Fer, MB Alkire… - Journal of …, 2020 -
A 15-yr duration record of mooring observations from the eastern (> 70° E) Eurasian Basin
(EB) of the Arctic Ocean is used to show and quantify the recently increased oceanic heat …

Toward quantifying the increasing role of oceanic heat in sea ice loss in the new Arctic

E Carmack, I Polyakov, L Padman, I Fer… - Bulletin of the …, 2015 -
The loss of Arctic sea ice has emerged as a leading signal of global warming. This, together
with acknowledged impacts on other components of the Earth system, has led to the term …

[HTML][HTML] Import of Atlantic Water and sea ice controls the ocean environment in the northern Barents Sea

Ø Lundesgaard, A Sundfjord, S Lind, F Nilsen… - Ocean …, 2022 -
The northern Barents Sea is a cold, seasonally ice-covered Arctic shelf sea region that has
experienced major warming and sea ice loss in recent decades. Here, a 2-year …

Consequences of future increased Arctic runoff on Arctic Ocean stratification, circulation, and sea ice cover

A Nummelin, M Ilicak, C Li… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Arctic Ocean has important freshwater sources including river runoff, low
evaporation, and exchange with the Pacific Ocean. In the future, we expect even larger …

The contiguous domains of Arctic Ocean advection: trails of life and death

P Wassmann, KN Kosobokova, D Slagstad… - Progress in …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The central Arctic Ocean is not isolated, but tightly connected to the northern Pacific
and Atlantic Oceans. Advection of nutrient-, detritus-and plankton-rich waters into the Arctic …

[HTML][HTML] The deep arctic ocean and fram strait in cmip6 models

C Heuzé, H Zanowski, S Karam… - Journal of Climate, 2023 -
The Deep Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait in CMIP6 Models in: Journal of Climate Volume 36
Issue 8 (2023) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo JOURNALS Artificial …

Intensification of near‐surface currents and shear in the Eastern Arctic Ocean

IV Polyakov, TP Rippeth, I Fer… - Geophysical …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract A 15‐year (2004–2018) record of mooring observations from the upper 50 m of the
ocean in the eastern Eurasian Basin reveals increased current speeds and vertical shear …