Automated code assessment for education: review, classification and perspectives on techniques and tools
Automatically assessing code for learning purposes is a challenging goal to achieve. On-site
courses and online ones developed for distance learning both require automated ways to …
courses and online ones developed for distance learning both require automated ways to …
Game-based learning approach in computer science in primary education: a systematic review
This paper reviews the current situation concerning the implementation of game-based
learning in computer science in primary education, providing insight into current trends …
learning in computer science in primary education, providing insight into current trends …
The use of online coding platforms as additional distance tools in programming education
This study analyzes various publications of scientists on the training of future IT specialists
and the features of training programming using online simulators. The authors of the article …
and the features of training programming using online simulators. The authors of the article …
Cooperative learning in computer programming: A quasi-experimental evaluation of Jigsaw teaching strategy with novice programmers
Computer programming education is often delivered using individual learning strategies
leaving group learning techniques as an under-researched pedagogy. This pose a research …
leaving group learning techniques as an under-researched pedagogy. This pose a research …
Enhancing confidence in using computational thinking skills via playing a serious game: A case study to increase motivation in learning computer programming
Computer Science (CS) is a profession that positively impacts every single area of society
without which today's world would come to a complete halt. Yet, there is a consensus that …
without which today's world would come to a complete halt. Yet, there is a consensus that …
A pilot study on the effectiveness and acceptance of an educational game for teaching programming concepts to primary school students
Educational games are increasingly used in informal and formal educational settings for
promoting active learning and gaining students' interest in cognitively demanding subjects …
promoting active learning and gaining students' interest in cognitively demanding subjects …
Studying the effects of teaching programming to lower secondary school students with a serious game: a case study with Python and CodeCombat
Serious games, or else educational games, for programming are considered to have a
positive impact on learning programming. Specifically, serious games are considered to …
positive impact on learning programming. Specifically, serious games are considered to …
Learning programming by creating games through the use of structured activities in secondary education in Greece
The effective teaching of the concept of programming, where critical thinking is an important
factor, is not so easy in secondary education. New teaching approaches, including, game …
factor, is not so easy in secondary education. New teaching approaches, including, game …
A review of gamification for learning programming fundamental
The games, nowadays, are extensively used in different fields for learning purposes. They
are getting popularity progressively because of their efficacy when used in non-game …
are getting popularity progressively because of their efficacy when used in non-game …
A log-based analysis of the associations between creativity and computational thinking
Creativity and Computational Thinking (CT) have been both extensively researched in
recent years. However, the associations between them are still not fully understood despite …
recent years. However, the associations between them are still not fully understood despite …