Satellite tracking in sea turtles: How do we find our way to the conservation dividends?

VF Jeffers, BJ Godley - Biological Conservation, 2016 - Elsevier
As species of conservation concern, sea turtles have historically been difficult to study
because of their elusive nature and extensive ranges, but improvements in telemetry have …

Regional management units for marine turtles: a novel framework for prioritizing conservation and research across multiple scales

BP Wallace, AD DiMatteo, BJ Hurley, EM Finkbeiner… - Plos one, 2010 -
Background Resolving threats to widely distributed marine megafauna requires definition of
the geographic distributions of both the threats as well as the population unit (s) of interest …

A biologist's guide to assessing ocean currents: a review

S Fossette, NF Putman, KJ Lohmann, R Marsh… - … ecology progress series, 2012 -
We review how ocean currents are measured (in both Eulerian and Lagrangian
frameworks), how they are inferred from satellite observations, and how they are simulated …

Ontogeny in marine tagging and tracking science: technologies and data gaps

EL Hazen, SM Maxwell, H Bailey, SJ Bograd… - Marine Ecology …, 2012 -
The field of marine tagging and tracking has grown rapidly in recent years as tag sizes have
decreased and the diversity of sensors has increased. Tag data provide a unique view on …

Biodiversity Research: fidelity to foraging sites, consistency of migration routes and habitat modulation of home range by sea turtles

G Schofield, VJ Hobson, S Fossette… - Diversity and …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Resources can shape patterns of habitat utilization. Recently a broad foraging
dichotomy between oceanic and coastal sites has been revealed for loggerhead sea turtles …

Migratory dichotomy and associated phenotypic variation in marine turtles revealed by satellite tracking and stable isotope analysis

JA Zbinden, S Bearhop, P Bradshaw, B Gill… - Marine Ecology …, 2011 -
Linking foraging and breeding habitats is key to the understanding of behaviour, ecology
and demography of migratory species. Establishing such connections has long been …

Timing is crucial for consequences of migratory connectivity

S Bauer, S Lisovski, S Hahn - Oikos, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Migratory connectivity can have important consequences for individuals, populations and
communities. We argue that most consequences not only depend on which sites are used …

Climate change resilience of a globally important sea turtle nesting population

AR Patrício, MR Varela, C Barbosa… - Global Change …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Few studies have looked into climate change resilience of populations of wild animals. We
use a model higher vertebrate, the green sea turtle, as its life history is fundamentally …

6 Molecular Genetics

MP Jensen, NN FitzSimmons… - The Biology of Sea …, 2013 -
6 Molecular Genetics Page 155 6 Molecular Genetics CONTENTS 6.1 of Sea Turtles
Michael P. Jensen, Nancy N. FitzSimmons, and Peter H. Dutton Introduction …

Tracking the long-distance dispersal of marine organisms: sensitivity to ocean model resolution

NF Putman, R He - Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2013 -
Ocean circulation models are widely used to simulate organism transport in the open sea,
where challenges of directly tracking organisms across vast spatial and temporal scales are …