Affective processing in bilingual speakers: Disembodied cognition?

A Pavlenko - International Journal of Psychology, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
A recent study by Keysar, Hayakawa, and An (2012) suggests that “thinking in a foreign
language” may reduce decision biases because a foreign language provides a greater …

When is a first language more emotional? Psychophysiological evidence from bilingual speakers

CL Harris, JB Gleason, A Aycicegi - Bilingual education and …, 2006 -
This chapter will review recent studies measuring physiological aspects of bilinguals'
emotional response to stimuli presented in speakers' first and second language. We also …

Your morals depend on language

A Costa, A Foucart, S Hayakawa, M Aparici… - PloS one, 2014 -
Should you sacrifice one man to save five? Whatever your answer, it should not depend on
whether you were asked the question in your native language or a foreign tongue so long as …

[CARTE][B] The bilingual mind: And what it tells us about language and thought

A Pavlenko - 2014 -
If languages influence the way we think, do bilinguals think differently in their respective
languages? And if languages do not affect thought, why do bilinguals often perceive such …

“Piensa” twice: On the foreign language effect in decision making

A Costa, A Foucart, I Arnon, M Aparici, J Apesteguia - Cognition, 2014 - Elsevier
In this article, we assess to what extent decision making is affected by the language in which
a given problem is presented (native vs. foreign). In particular, we aim to ask whether the …

[HTML][HTML] The power of swearing: What we know and what we don't

K Stapleton, KB Fägersten, R Stephens, C Loveday - Lingua, 2022 - Elsevier
Swearing produces effects that are not observed with other forms of language use. Thus,
swearing is powerful. It generates a range of distinctive outcomes: physiological, cognitive …

The affective turn in SLA: From 'affective factors' to 'language desire'and 'commodification of affect'

A Pavlenko - The affective dimension in second language …, 2013 -
This chapter addresses ultimate attainment in second language acquisition through the lens
of affectivity. The study claims an important role for affective dimensions in this context, thus …

Bilingual selves

A Pavlenko - Bilingual education and bilingualism, 2006 -
Do bi-and multilinguals sometimes feel like different people when speaking different
languages? Are they perceived as different people by their interlocutors? Do they behave …

Emotion and emotion-laden words in the bilingual lexicon

A Pavlenko - Bilingualism: Language and cognition, 2008 -
The purpose of this paper is to draw on recent studies of bilingualism and emotions to argue
for three types of modifications to the current models of the bilingual lexicon. The first …

The emotional weight of I love you in multilinguals' languages

JM Dewaele - Journal of Pragmatics, 2008 - Elsevier
The present paper considers the perceived emotional weight of the phrase I love you in
multilinguals' different languages. The sample consists of 1459 adult multilinguals speaking …