The evolution of growth trajectories: what limits growth rate?
CM Dmitriew - Biological Reviews, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
According to life‐history theory, growth rates are subject to strong directional selection due
to reproductive and survival advantages associated with large adult body size. Yet, growth is …
to reproductive and survival advantages associated with large adult body size. Yet, growth is …
Cannibalism, food limitation, intraspecific competition, and the regulation of spider populations
DH Wise - Annual review of entomology, 2006 -
▪ Abstract Cannibalism among generalist predators has implications for the dynamics of
terrestrial food webs. Spiders are common, ubiquitous arthropod generalist predators in …
terrestrial food webs. Spiders are common, ubiquitous arthropod generalist predators in …
Spider nutrition: an integrative perspective
SM Wilder - Advances in insect physiology, 2011 - Elsevier
Spiders represent a diverse, widespread and abundant group of carnivores. Studying the
nutritional ecology of spiders is critical because it can aid in understanding the evolution of …
nutritional ecology of spiders is critical because it can aid in understanding the evolution of …
Analysing body condition: mass, volume or density?
Summary 1 Body condition (defined as the relative amount of energy reserves in the body) is
an animal trait with strong ecological implications. In some animal taxa (eg arthropods), the …
an animal trait with strong ecological implications. In some animal taxa (eg arthropods), the …
Guiding lights: Foraging responses of juvenile nocturnal orb‐web spiders to the presence of artificial light at night
The reach of artificial light at night (ALAN) is growing rapidly around the globe, including the
increasing use of energy‐efficient LED lights. Many studies document the physiological …
increasing use of energy‐efficient LED lights. Many studies document the physiological …
Age and size at maturity: a quantitative review of diet-induced reaction norms in insects
Optimality models predict that diet-induced bivariate reaction norms for age and size at
maturity can have diverse shapes, with the slope varying from negative to positive. To …
maturity can have diverse shapes, with the slope varying from negative to positive. To …
Sexual cannibalism as a manifestation of sexual conflict
JM Schneider - Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in …, 2014 -
Sexual cannibalism is a well-known example for sexual conflict and has many facets that
determine the costs and benefits for the cannibal and the victim. Here, I focus on species in …
determine the costs and benefits for the cannibal and the victim. Here, I focus on species in …
Dangerous mating systems: signal complexity, signal content and neural capacity in spiders
Spiders are highly efficient predators in possession of exquisite sensory capacities for
ambushing prey, combined with machinery for launching rapid and determined attacks. As a …
ambushing prey, combined with machinery for launching rapid and determined attacks. As a …
Sexual size dimorphism predicts the frequency of sexual cannibalism within and among species of spiders
SM Wilder, AL Rypstra - The American Naturalist, 2008 -
Sexual cannibalism varies widely among spiders, but no general evolutionary hypothesis
has emerged to explain its distribution across taxa. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) also …
has emerged to explain its distribution across taxa. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) also …
Mate quality, not aggressive spillover, explains sexual cannibalism in a size-dimorphic spider
Sexual cannibalism particularly before mating is costly for the male victim but also for the
female aggressor if she risks remaining unmated. The aggressive spillover hypothesis …
female aggressor if she risks remaining unmated. The aggressive spillover hypothesis …