Review of vibration-based structural health monitoring using deep learning
With the rapid progress in the deep learning technology, it is being used for vibration-based
structural health monitoring. When the vibration is used for extracting features for system …
structural health monitoring. When the vibration is used for extracting features for system …
Empirical mode decomposition and its variants: A review with applications in structural health monitoring
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is one of the most emerging approaches for early
damage detection, which leads to improved safety and efficient maintenance of large-scale …
damage detection, which leads to improved safety and efficient maintenance of large-scale …
Digital twin-based collapse fragility assessment of a long-span cable-stayed bridge under strong earthquakes
Fragility analysis is widely used in seismic performance assessment of bridges but
uncertainties in seismic demand and bridge modelling affect the accuracy of assessment …
uncertainties in seismic demand and bridge modelling affect the accuracy of assessment …
A comparative analysis of signal decomposition techniques for structural health monitoring on an experimental benchmark
Signal Processing is, arguably, the fundamental enabling technology for vibration-based
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), which includes damage detection and more advanced …
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), which includes damage detection and more advanced …
The state-of-the-art on time-frequency signal processing techniques for high-resolution representation of nonlinear systems in engineering
One of the serious issues of traditional signal processing techniques in analyzing the
responses of real-life structures is related to the presentation of fundamental information of …
responses of real-life structures is related to the presentation of fundamental information of …
Fractional Fourier transform: Time-frequency representation and structural instantaneous frequency identification
L Lu, WX Ren, SD Wang - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022 - Elsevier
The fractional Fourier transform involving a rotation angle as an additional variable is
capable to transform a signal to any fractional Fourier domain in between time and …
capable to transform a signal to any fractional Fourier domain in between time and …
Structural damage severity classification from time-frequency acceleration data using convolutional neural networks
Structural damage identification involves interpretation of vibration measurements to identify
patterns that are indicative of changes in structural characteristics. Identification of such …
patterns that are indicative of changes in structural characteristics. Identification of such …
[PDF][PDF] Practical guidelines for the natural excitation technique (NexT) and the eigensystem realization algorithm (ERA) for modal identification using ambient vibration.
JM Caicedo - Experimental Techniques, 2011 - people.duke.edu
Modal identification methodologies are used to determine the dynamic characteristics of sys-
tems. In structural engineering, these dynamic parameters play an important role in the …
tems. In structural engineering, these dynamic parameters play an important role in the …
Modal parameter identification and vibration based damage detection of a multiple cracked cantilever beam
This paper presents a detailed investigation on the modal parameter identification and
vibration based damage detection of a multiple cracked cantilever beam with hollow circular …
vibration based damage detection of a multiple cracked cantilever beam with hollow circular …
Monitoring of civil infrastructures by interferometric radar: A review
M Pieraccini - The Scientific World Journal, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Ground‐based radar interferometry is an increasingly popular technique for monitoring civil
infrastructures. Many research groups, professionals, and companies have tested it in …
infrastructures. Many research groups, professionals, and companies have tested it in …