Neural entrainment and attentional selection in the listening brain
The streams of sounds we typically attend to abound in acoustic regularities. Neural
entrainment is seen as an important mechanism that the listening brain exploits to attune to …
entrainment is seen as an important mechanism that the listening brain exploits to attune to …
Speech computations of the human superior temporal gyrus
Human speech perception results from neural computations that transform external acoustic
speech signals into internal representations of words. The superior temporal gyrus (STG) …
speech signals into internal representations of words. The superior temporal gyrus (STG) …
The encoding of speech sounds in the superior temporal gyrus
The human superior temporal gyrus (STG) is critical for extracting meaningful linguistic
features from speech input. Local neural populations are tuned to acoustic-phonetic features …
features from speech input. Local neural populations are tuned to acoustic-phonetic features …
Phonetic feature encoding in human superior temporal gyrus
During speech perception, linguistic elements such as consonants and vowels are extracted
from a complex acoustic speech signal. The superior temporal gyrus (STG) participates in …
from a complex acoustic speech signal. The superior temporal gyrus (STG) participates in …
Phoneme and word recognition in the auditory ventral stream
Spoken word recognition requires complex, invariant representations. Using a meta-analytic
approach incorporating more than 100 functional imaging experiments, we show that …
approach incorporating more than 100 functional imaging experiments, we show that …
The auditory representation of speech sounds in human motor cortex
In humans, listening to speech evokes neural responses in the motor cortex. This has been
controversially interpreted as evidence that speech sounds are processed as articulatory …
controversially interpreted as evidence that speech sounds are processed as articulatory …
Speaker normalization in speech perception
Speech produced by different people varies acoustically because of individual differences in
vocal tract physiology. This acoustic variation in the “same” words of language presents a …
vocal tract physiology. This acoustic variation in the “same” words of language presents a …
Perceptual restoration of masked speech in human cortex
Humans are adept at understanding speech despite the fact that our natural listening
environment is often filled with interference. An example of this capacity is phoneme …
environment is often filled with interference. An example of this capacity is phoneme …
Neural pathways for visual speech perception
This paper examines the questions, what levels of speech can be perceived visually, and
how is visual speech represented by the brain? Review of the literature leads to the …
how is visual speech represented by the brain? Review of the literature leads to the …
Dynamic encoding of acoustic features in neural responses to continuous speech
Humans are unique in their ability to communicate using spoken language. However, it
remains unclear how the speech signal is transformed and represented in the brain at …
remains unclear how the speech signal is transformed and represented in the brain at …