A systematic review of the relationship between familism and mental health outcomes in Latino population
E Valdivieso-Mora, CL Peet… - Frontiers in …, 2016 - frontiersin.org
Background: Familismo or familism is a cultural value frequently seen in Hispanic cultures,
in which a higher emphasis is placed on the family unit in terms of respect, support …
in which a higher emphasis is placed on the family unit in terms of respect, support …
Epidemiology of youth suicide and suicidal behavior
SJ Cash, JA Bridge - Current opinion in pediatrics, 2009 - journals.lww.com
Current Opinion in Pediatrics Log in or Register Subscribe to journalSubscribe Get new issue
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[CARTE][B] The suicidal crisis: Clinical guide to the assessment of imminent suicide risk
I Galynker - 2023 - books.google.com
Most people who die by suicide see a clinician prior to taking their lives. Therefore, one of
the most difficult determinations clinicians must be able to make is whether any given patient …
the most difficult determinations clinicians must be able to make is whether any given patient …
The cultural theory and model of suicide
A growing body of research has demonstrated important variations in the prevalence,
nature, and correlates of suicide across ethnic and sexual minority groups. Despite these …
nature, and correlates of suicide across ethnic and sexual minority groups. Despite these …
Acculturation and Latino adolescent mental health: Integration of individual, environmental, and family influences
KE Lawton, AC Gerdes - Clinical child and family psychology review, 2014 - Springer
In order to address the mental health disparities that exist for Latino adolescents in the
United States, psychologists must understand specific factors that contribute to the high risk …
United States, psychologists must understand specific factors that contribute to the high risk …
Relational‐cultural theory: Fostering the growth of a paradigm through empirical research
AS Lenz - Journal of Counseling & Development, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This study identified empirical literature supporting relational‐cultural theory (RCT) for
explaining experiences of individuals, assessing theoretical constructs, and providing an …
explaining experiences of individuals, assessing theoretical constructs, and providing an …
The Marianismo Beliefs Scale: Validation with Mexican American Adolescent Girls and Boys.
Los roles de género son una característica de organización básica en familias de origen
Latina (Cauce y Domenech-Rodríguez, 2002), donde los roles femeninos y masculinos de …
Latina (Cauce y Domenech-Rodríguez, 2002), donde los roles femeninos y masculinos de …
Familism, mother-daughter mutuality, and suicide attempts of adolescent Latinas.
AA Baumann, JA Kuhlberg… - Journal of family …, 2010 - psycnet.apa.org
National surveys in the US reveal that Latina adolescents have higher rates of suicide
attempts than females of other ethnic and racial groups. Past reports indicate that the suicide …
attempts than females of other ethnic and racial groups. Past reports indicate that the suicide …
Familism, family environment, and suicide attempts among Latina youth
In this study, we examined the relationship between familism and family environment type as
well as the relationship between family environment type and suicide attempts among Latina …
well as the relationship between family environment type and suicide attempts among Latina …
Familism and the Hispanic health advantage: The role of immigrant status
It is well known that Hispanic immigrants exhibit better physical and mental health than their
US-born counterparts. Scholars theorize that stronger orientations toward the family, also …
US-born counterparts. Scholars theorize that stronger orientations toward the family, also …