Two sides of a coin: ecological and chronobiological perspectives of timing in the wild
Most processes within organisms, and most interactions between organisms and their
environment, have distinct time profiles. The temporal coordination of such processes is …
environment, have distinct time profiles. The temporal coordination of such processes is …
The evolutionary ecology of circadian rhythms in infection
Biological rhythms coordinate organisms' activities with daily rhythms in the environment.
For parasites, this includes rhythms in both the external abiotic environment and the within …
For parasites, this includes rhythms in both the external abiotic environment and the within …
The causes and implications of sex role diversity in shorebird breeding systems
Males and females often exhibit different behaviours during mate acquisition, pair‐bonding
and parenting, and a convenient label to characterize these behaviours is sex role. The …
and parenting, and a convenient label to characterize these behaviours is sex role. The …
Seasonal survival and reversible state effects in a long‐distance migratory shorebird
Events during one stage of the annual cycle can reversibly affect an individual's condition
and performance not only within that stage, but also in subsequent stages (ie reversible …
and performance not only within that stage, but also in subsequent stages (ie reversible …
Singing from North to South: latitudinal variation in timing of dawn singing under natural and artificial light conditions
Animals breeding at northern latitudes experience drastic changes in daily light conditions
during the breeding season with decreasing periods of darkness, whereas those living at …
during the breeding season with decreasing periods of darkness, whereas those living at …
Patterns and processes in shorebird survival rates: a global review
Changes in demographic rates underpin changes in population size, and understanding
demographic rates can greatly aid the design and development of strategies to maintain …
demographic rates can greatly aid the design and development of strategies to maintain …
Social and physiological context can affect the meaning of physiological synchrony
Survival of many species, from insects and birds to human and non-human mammals,
requires synchronized activity. Among humans, synchrony occurs even at the level of …
requires synchronized activity. Among humans, synchrony occurs even at the level of …
Social synchronization of circadian rhythms with a focus on honeybees
Many animals benefit from synchronizing their daily activities with conspecifics. In this hybrid
paper, we first review recent literature supporting and extending earlier evidence for a lack …
paper, we first review recent literature supporting and extending earlier evidence for a lack …
Circadian rhythms of hosts and their gut microbiomes: Implications for animal physiology and ecology
Daily light–dark cycles shape the circadian physiology and behaviour of nearly all
organisms, with variation in circadian phenotypes having cascading effects on individual …
organisms, with variation in circadian phenotypes having cascading effects on individual …
Exploration profiles drive activity patterns and temporal niche specialization in a wild rodent
Individual niche specialization can have important consequences for competition, fitness,
and, ultimately, population dynamics and ecological speciation. The temporal window and …
and, ultimately, population dynamics and ecological speciation. The temporal window and …