Novel disturbance regimes and ecological responses
Many natural disturbances have a strong climate forcing, and concern is rising about how
ecosystems will respond to disturbance regimes to which they are not adapted. Novelty can …
ecosystems will respond to disturbance regimes to which they are not adapted. Novelty can …
Building ecosystem resilience and adaptive capacity: a systematic review of aspen ecology and management in the Southwest
Abstract Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) has high conservation value on the
southwestern edge of its range, which extends from the southwestern United States (ie …
southwestern edge of its range, which extends from the southwestern United States (ie …
Where are the trees? Extent, configuration, and drivers of poor forest recovery 30 years after the 1988 Yellowstone fires
Postfire recovery of fire-adapted forests remains uncertain as climate and fire regimes
continue to change. Areas of poor postfire tree regeneration following late-20th-century fires …
continue to change. Areas of poor postfire tree regeneration following late-20th-century fires …
Effects of bark beetle outbreaks on forest landscape pattern in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA
Since the late 1990s, extensive outbreaks of native bark beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
have affected coniferous forests throughout Europe and North America, driving changes in …
have affected coniferous forests throughout Europe and North America, driving changes in …
Less fuel for the next fire? Short‐interval fire delays forest recovery and interacting drivers amplify effects
As 21st‐century climate and disturbance dynamics depart from historic baselines,
ecosystem resilience is uncertain. Multiple drivers are changing simultaneously, and …
ecosystem resilience is uncertain. Multiple drivers are changing simultaneously, and …
Rocky Mountain forests are poised to recover following bark beetle outbreaks but with altered composition
Amplified by warming temperatures and drought, recent outbreaks of native bark beetles
(Curculionidae: Scolytinae) have caused extensive tree mortality throughout Europe and …
(Curculionidae: Scolytinae) have caused extensive tree mortality throughout Europe and …
Long-term soil nutrient and understory plant responses to post-fire rehabilitation in a lodgepole pine forest
Wildfires and other disturbances play a fundamental role in regenerating lodgepole pine
forests. Though severe, stand-replacing fires are typical of this ecosystem, they can have …
forests. Though severe, stand-replacing fires are typical of this ecosystem, they can have …
Outbreaks of Douglas-fir beetle follow western spruce budworm defoliation in the southern Rocky Mountains, USA
Changes in climate are altering disturbance regimes in forests of western North America,
leading to increases in the potential for disturbance events to overlap in time and space …
leading to increases in the potential for disturbance events to overlap in time and space …
Effectiveness of pre-fire forest management on post-fire forest conditions in southeastern Arizona
Background Western forests in the United States are facing multiple threats that have the
potential to permanently alter forest composition and structure. In particular, wildfire can …
potential to permanently alter forest composition and structure. In particular, wildfire can …
Wildfire catalyzes upward range expansion of trembling aspen in southern Rocky Mountain beetle‐killed forests
Aim Climate warming is expected to drive upward and poleward shifts at the leading edge of
tree species ranges. Disturbance has the potential to accelerate these shifts by altering …
tree species ranges. Disturbance has the potential to accelerate these shifts by altering …