A state of the art review of the particle finite element method (PFEM)
The particle finite element method (PFEM) is a powerful and robust numerical tool for the
simulation of multi-physics problems in evolving domains. The PFEM exploits the …
simulation of multi-physics problems in evolving domains. The PFEM exploits the …
The P-DNS method for turbulent fluid flows: an overview
An overview of the Pseudo-Direct Numerical Simulation (P-DNS) method is presented. This
is a multi-scale method aiming at numerically solving the unknown fields at two different …
is a multi-scale method aiming at numerically solving the unknown fields at two different …
A fully partitioned Lagrangian framework for FSI problems characterized by free surfaces, large solid deformations and displacements, and strong added-mass effects
In this work a fully partitioned Lagrangian framework for the solution of fluid–structure
interaction (FSI) problems involving free surfaces, large solid displacements and …
interaction (FSI) problems involving free surfaces, large solid displacements and …
Lagrangian particle-based simulation of waves: a comparison of SPH and PFEM approaches
Lagrangian numerical methods are particularly suitable to reproduce flows involving large
and rapid deformation of the domain, fluid splitting and coalescence, jets and sprays. The …
and rapid deformation of the domain, fluid splitting and coalescence, jets and sprays. The …
A unified monolithic approach for multi-fluid flows and fluid–structure interaction using the particle finite element method with fixed mesh
This paper describes a strategy to solve multi-fluid and fluid–structure interaction (FSI)
problems using Lagrangian particles combined with a fixed finite element (FE) mesh. Our …
problems using Lagrangian particles combined with a fixed finite element (FE) mesh. Our …
New agent-based proactive migration method and system for big data environment (BDE)
D Zhang, X Song, X Wang, K Li, W Li… - Engineering …, 2015 - emerald.com
Purpose–Mobile Service of Big Data can be supported by the fused technologies of
computing, communication and digital multimedia. The purpose of this paper is to propose …
computing, communication and digital multimedia. The purpose of this paper is to propose …
Analysis of multifluid flows with large time steps using the particle finite element method
Multifluids are those fluids in which their physical properties (viscosity or density) vary
internally and abruptly forming internal interfaces that introduce a large nonlinearity in the …
internally and abruptly forming internal interfaces that introduce a large nonlinearity in the …
An efficient runtime mesh smoothing technique for 3D explicit Lagrangian free‐surface fluid flow simulations
A fast runtime mesh smoothing algorithm for explicit Lagrangian simulations of 3D weakly
compressible viscous fluid flows, implemented in conjunction with the particle finite element …
compressible viscous fluid flows, implemented in conjunction with the particle finite element …
A finite element model for the simulation of the UL-94 burning test
The tendency of the polymers to melt and drip when they are exposed to external heat
source play a very important role in the ignition and the spread of fire. Numerical simulation …
source play a very important role in the ignition and the spread of fire. Numerical simulation …
Fast fluid–structure interaction simulations using a displacement-based finite element model equipped with an explicit streamline integration prediction
We propose here a displacement-based updated Lagrangian fluid model developed to
facilitate a monolithic coupling with a wide range of structural elements described in terms of …
facilitate a monolithic coupling with a wide range of structural elements described in terms of …