A comparison of individual‐based genetic distance metrics for landscape genetics
A major aim of landscape genetics is to understand how landscapes resist gene flow and
thereby influence population genetic structure. An empirical understanding of this process …
thereby influence population genetic structure. An empirical understanding of this process …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the regional landscape connectivity for multispecies to coordinate on-the-ground needs for mitigating linear infrastructure impact in Brasov …
A Fedorca, M Popa, R Jurj, G Ionescu, O Ionescu… - Journal for Nature …, 2020 - Elsevier
While many initiatives, studies and projects are focusing only on modelling wildlife
connectivity movement, coordinated efforts should help to deliver adaptative solutions for the …
connectivity movement, coordinated efforts should help to deliver adaptative solutions for the …
[HTML][HTML] Wildlife Fences to Mitigate Human–Wildlife Conflicts in Africa: A Literature Analysis
The deployment of wildlife fences in Africa serves as a crucial intervention to balance wildlife
conservation with human safety and agricultural productivity. This review synthesizes current …
conservation with human safety and agricultural productivity. This review synthesizes current …
[HTML][HTML] Invasive species may disrupt protected area networks: Insights from the pine wood nematode spread in Portugal
B De La Fuente, PSA Beck - Forests, 2018 - mdpi.com
The expansion of invasive alien species is considered a major threat to forest ecosystems
and biodiversity. Their potential impacts range from local changes in species composition to …
and biodiversity. Their potential impacts range from local changes in species composition to …
Connectivity conservation management: linking private protected areas
LV Guzmán Wolfhard, C Raedig - Strategies and Tools for a Sustainable …, 2019 - Springer
Fragmentation has become one of the most pressing threats to Brazil's Atlantic Forest
causing habitat loss and the erosion of species diversity, thus compromising ecosystem …
causing habitat loss and the erosion of species diversity, thus compromising ecosystem …
[PDF][PDF] Mammal use of underpasses to cross Route 606 in Guacimal, Costa Rica
ER Terner - Neotropical biology and conservation, 2023 - neotropical.pensoft.net
Roads severely affect the health of ecosystems across the globe by fragmenting and
diminishing habitats, reducing population connectivity, and increasing animal mortality …
diminishing habitats, reducing population connectivity, and increasing animal mortality …
Creation of ecological corridors in the Ukrainian Carpathians
In order to develop a methodology for the creation of functional and consolidated ecological
corridors for the Carpathians, a pilot study has been conducted at two locations in Ukraine …
corridors for the Carpathians, a pilot study has been conducted at two locations in Ukraine …
[PDF][PDF] Corredores ecológicos como estrategia para la conservación de los ecosistemas boscosos de la Reserva Forestal de Caparo, Venezuela
La deforestación está generando una transformación del paisaje que conlleva a la
degradación de ecosistemas y fragmentación de los mismos, con la consecuente pérdida …
degradación de ecosistemas y fragmentación de los mismos, con la consecuente pérdida …
[PDF][PDF] 城镇生态廊道规划研究——以浙江湖州市埭溪镇为例
**王鸣, 刘吉**, 王纪武 - 城市发展研究, 2010 - yrdcpcn.com
只有统筹城乡的城镇生态廊道规划才能真**起到保护城镇生态环境, 降低城镇生态风险的作用.
针对目前我国城镇生态廊道规划实践中保护目标空泛, 定量控制欠缺等问题 …
针对目前我国城镇生态廊道规划实践中保护目标空泛, 定量控制欠缺等问题 …
[PDF][PDF] Estado del monitoreo de la restauración ecológica en Colombia
C Murcia, MR Guariguata, E Montes - Monitoreo a procesos de …, 2015 - academia.edu
La restauración ecológica requiere de un compromiso a largo plazo y que toma décadas
para mostrar los resultados esperados (Rey Benayas et al. 2009, Moreno-Mateos et al …
para mostrar los resultados esperados (Rey Benayas et al. 2009, Moreno-Mateos et al …