Acoustic attenuation in glasses and its relation with the boson peak

W Schirmacher, G Ruocco, T Scopigno - Physical review letters, 2007 - APS
A theory for the vibrational dynamics in disordered solids [W. Schirmacher, Europhys. Lett.
73, 892 (2006) EULEEJ 0295-5075 10.1209/epl/i2005-10471-9], based on the random …

Normal modes and density of states of disordered colloidal solids

D Kaya, NL Green, CE Maloney, MF Islam - Science, 2010 -
The normal modes and the density of states (DOS) of any material provide a basis for
understanding its thermal and mechanical transport properties. In perfect crystals, normal …

Surveying a complex potential energy landscape: Overcoming broken ergodicity using basin-sampling

DJ Wales - Chemical Physics Letters, 2013 - Elsevier
A new basin-sampling scheme is introduced to obtain equilibrium thermodynamic properties
by combining results from global optimisation and parallel tempering calculations. Regular …

Dynamical aspects of disorder in condensed matter

DL Price, ML Saboungi… - Reports on Progress in …, 2003 -
This work reviews progress in the field of the dynamics of disordered condensed matter,
encompassing materials where at least one component lacks either rotational or …

Sound attenuation in a unexplored frequency region: Brillouin ultraviolet light scattering measurements in

P Benassi, S Caponi, R Eramo, A Fontana… - Physical Review B …, 2005 - APS
We report ultraviolet Brillouin light-scattering experimental data on v-Si O 2 in an unexplored
frequency region, performed with a newly available spectrometer, up to exchanged wave …

Boson peak in alkaline borate glasses: Raman spectroscopy, neutron scattering, and specific-heat measurements

G D'Angelo, G Carini, C Crupi, M Koza, G Tripodo… - Physical Review B …, 2009 - APS
The dependence of the boson peak on the alkaline ion in modified borate glasses (M 2 O)
0.14 (B 2 O 3) 0.86 (M+= Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+) was analyzed by performing Raman …

The low energy excess of vibrational states inv-SiO2: the role of transverse dynamics

O Pilla, S Caponi, A Fontana… - Journal of Physics …, 2004 -
A numerical simulation study of the density dependence (ρ= 2.2–4.0 g cm− 3) of the high
energy collective dynamics in vitreous silica at mesoscopic wavevectors (Q= 1–18 nm− 1) is …

Simulation of physical properties of the chalcogenide glass using a density-functional-based tight-binding method

SI Simdyankin, SR Elliott, Z Hajnal, TA Niehaus… - Physical Review B, 2004 - APS
We have used a density-functional-based tight-binding method in order to create structural
models of the canonical chalcogenide glass, amorphous As 2 S 3. The models range from …

Emergent percolation length and localization in random elastic networks

A Amir, JJ Krich, V Vitelli, Y Oreg, Y Imry - Physical Review X, 2013 - APS
We study, theoretically and numerically, a minimal model for phonons in a disordered
system. For sufficient disorder, the vibrational modes of this classical system can become …

Brillouin and boson peaks in glasses from vector Euclidean random matrix theory

S Ciliberti, TS Grigera, V Martın-Mayor… - The Journal of …, 2003 -
A simple model of harmonic vibrations in topologically disordered systems, such as glasses
and supercooled liquids, is studied analytically by extending Euclidean random matrix …