[HTML][HTML] Functional organization of the caudal part of the human superior parietal lobule
Like in macaque, the caudal portion of the human superior parietal lobule (SPL) plays a key
role in a series of perceptive, visuomotor and somatosensory processes. Here, we review …
role in a series of perceptive, visuomotor and somatosensory processes. Here, we review …
[HTML][HTML] Advanced TMS approaches to probe corticospinal excitability during action preparation
The motor system displays strong changes in neural activity during action preparation. In the
past decades, several techniques, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) …
past decades, several techniques, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) …
Frontoparietal tracts linked to lateralized hand preference and manual specialization
H Howells, M Thiebaut de Schotten… - Cerebral …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Humans show a preference for using the right hand over the left for tasks and activities of
everyday life. While experimental work in non-human primates has identified the neural …
everyday life. While experimental work in non-human primates has identified the neural …
Structural connectivity and functional properties of the macaque superior parietal lobule
M Gamberini, L Passarelli, P Fattori… - Brain Structure and …, 2020 - Springer
Despite the consolidated belief that the macaque superior parietal lobule (SPL) is entirely
occupied by Brodmann's area 5, recent data show that macaque SPL also hosts a large …
occupied by Brodmann's area 5, recent data show that macaque SPL also hosts a large …
Cortico-cortical connectivity: the road from basic neurophysiological interactions to therapeutic applications
G Koch - Experimental brain research, 2020 - Springer
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) based methods are emerging as a unique
approach to evaluate in real-time brain electrical activity in healthy and pathological …
approach to evaluate in real-time brain electrical activity in healthy and pathological …
Enhanced action performance following TMS manipulation of associative plasticity in ventral premotor-motor pathway
Skillful goal-directed manual actions such as gras** and manipulating objects are
supported by a large sensorimotor network. Within this network, the ventral premotor cortex …
supported by a large sensorimotor network. Within this network, the ventral premotor cortex …
[HTML][HTML] The posterior parietal area V6A: An attentionally-modulated visuomotor region involved in the control of reach-to-grasp action
In the macaque, the posterior parietal area V6A is involved in the control of all phases of
reach-to-grasp actions: the transport phase, given that reaching neurons are sensitive to the …
reach-to-grasp actions: the transport phase, given that reaching neurons are sensitive to the …
Tuning the corticospinal system: how distributed brain circuits shape human actions
G Derosiere, J Duque - The Neuroscientist, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Interactive behaviors rely on the operation of several processes allowing the control of
actions, including their selection, withholding, and cancellation. The corticospinal system …
actions, including their selection, withholding, and cancellation. The corticospinal system …
Exploring cortico-cortical interactions during action preparation by means of dual-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation: A systematic review
Action preparation is characterized by a set of complex and distributed processes that occur
in multiple brain areas. Interestingly, dual-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a …
in multiple brain areas. Interestingly, dual-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a …
Dual-site TMS as a tool to probe effective interactions within the motor network: a review
Dual-site transcranial magnetic stimulation (ds-TMS) is well suited to investigate the causal
effect of distant brain regions on the primary motor cortex, both at rest and during motor …
effect of distant brain regions on the primary motor cortex, both at rest and during motor …