The environmental impacts of palm oil in context
Abstract Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires balancing
demands on land between agriculture (SDG 2) and biodiversity (SDG 15). The production of …
demands on land between agriculture (SDG 2) and biodiversity (SDG 15). The production of …
Human-chimpanzee sympatry and interactions in Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau: current research and future directions
Increasing human populations and the rapid conversion of forest to agricultural land
increase the likelihood of interactions and conflict between humans and nonhuman …
increase the likelihood of interactions and conflict between humans and nonhuman …
Of Pongo, palms and perceptions: a multidisciplinary assessment of Bornean orang-utans Pongo pygmaeus in an oil palm context
M Ancrenaz, F Oram, L Ambu, I Lackman, E Ahmad… - Oryx, 2015 -
The oil palm industry is blamed for the demise of iconic species such as the orang-utan
Pongo pygmaeus in Borneo but production of, and demand for, this commodity continue to …
Pongo pygmaeus in Borneo but production of, and demand for, this commodity continue to …
Pan troglodytes (errata version published in 2018)
T Humle, F Maisels, JF Oates, A Plumptre… - 2016 -
Assessment Information: Although Pan troglodytes is the most abundant and widespread of
the great apes, and many populations exist in protected areas, the declines that have …
the great apes, and many populations exist in protected areas, the declines that have …
Chimpanzees balance resources and risk in an anthropogenic landscape of fear
Human-wildlife coexistence is possible when animals can meet their ecological
requirements while managing human-induced risks. Understanding how wildlife balance …
requirements while managing human-induced risks. Understanding how wildlife balance …
Chimpanzees preferentially select slee** platform construction tree species with biomechanical properties that yield stable, firm, but compliant nests
The daily construction of a slee** platform or “nest” is a universal behavior among large-
bodied hominoids. Among chimpanzees, most populations consistently select particular tree …
bodied hominoids. Among chimpanzees, most populations consistently select particular tree …
Feeding ecology of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) inhabiting a forest‐mangrove‐savanna‐agricultural matrix at Caiquene‐Cadique, Cantanhez National Park …
With rising conversion of “natural” habitat to other land use such as agriculture, nonhuman
primates are increasingly exploiting areas influenced by people and their activities. Despite …
primates are increasingly exploiting areas influenced by people and their activities. Despite …
DNA identification of primate bushmeat from urban markets in Guinea-Bissau and its implications for conservation
Hunting for bushmeat consumption is a major threat to wild populations. Assessing trade at
markets provides a commonly used measure of its intensity and impact. However, most …
markets provides a commonly used measure of its intensity and impact. However, most …
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Flexibly Use Introduced Species for Nesting and Bark Feeding in a Human-Dominated Habitat
As habitat loss and fragmentation place growing pressure on endangered nonhuman
primate populations, researchers find increasing evidence for novel responses in behavior …
primate populations, researchers find increasing evidence for novel responses in behavior …
Chimpanzee nesting patterns in savanna habitat: environmental influences and preferences
RA Hernandez‐Aguilar, JIM Moore… - American Journal of …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Data on chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) nesting patterns were collected in Issa, Ugalla,
western Tanzania. Ugalla is one of the driest, most open, and seasonal habitats inhabited by …
western Tanzania. Ugalla is one of the driest, most open, and seasonal habitats inhabited by …