Weyl and Dirac semimetals in three-dimensional solids
Weyl and Dirac semimetals are three-dimensional phases of matter with gapless electronic
excitations that are protected by topology and symmetry. As three-dimensional analogs of …
excitations that are protected by topology and symmetry. As three-dimensional analogs of …
Recent progress in the study of topological semimetals
The topological semimetal is a new, theoretically predicted and experimentally discovered,
topological state of matter. In one of its several realizations, the topological semimetal hosts …
topological state of matter. In one of its several realizations, the topological semimetal hosts …
Thermoelectric properties of Weyl and Dirac semimetals
We study the electronic contribution to the thermal conductivity and the thermopower of Weyl
and Dirac semimetals using a semiclassical Boltzmann approach. We investigate the effect …
and Dirac semimetals using a semiclassical Boltzmann approach. We investigate the effect …
Quantum transport of disordered Weyl semimetals at the nodal point
Weyl semimetals are paradigmatic topological gapless phases in three dimensions. We
here address the effect of disorder on charge transport in Weyl semimetals. For a single …
here address the effect of disorder on charge transport in Weyl semimetals. For a single …
Disorder and metal-insulator transitions in Weyl semimetals
The Weyl semimetal (WSM) is a newly proposed quantum state of matter. It has Weyl nodes
in bulk excitations and Fermi arc surface states. We study the effects of disorder and …
in bulk excitations and Fermi arc surface states. We study the effects of disorder and …
Topological nodal Cooper pairing in doped Weyl metals
We generalize the concept of Berry connection of the single-electron band structure to that of
a two-particle Cooper pairing state between two Fermi surfaces with opposite Chern …
a two-particle Cooper pairing state between two Fermi surfaces with opposite Chern …
Rare-region-induced avoided quantum criticality in disordered three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl semimetals
We numerically study the effect of short-ranged potential disorder on massless
noninteracting three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl fermions, with a focus on the question of …
noninteracting three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl fermions, with a focus on the question of …
Anderson localization and the quantum phase diagram of three dimensional disordered Dirac semimetals
We study the quantum phase diagram of a three dimensional noninteracting Dirac
semimetal in the presence of either quenched axial or scalar potential disorder, by …
semimetal in the presence of either quenched axial or scalar potential disorder, by …
Topological superconductivity of spin- carriers in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal
We investigate topological Cooper pairing, including gapless Weyl and fully gapped class
DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. The latter …
DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. The latter …
Dirty Weyl semimetals: Stability, phase transition, and quantum criticality
We study the stability of three-dimensional incompressible Weyl semimetals in the presence
of random quenched charge impurities. Combining numerical analysis and scaling theory …
of random quenched charge impurities. Combining numerical analysis and scaling theory …