Mountain observatories: Status and prospects for enhancing and connecting a global community
Mountainous regions are globally important, in part because they support large populations
and are biodiverse. They are also characterized by enhanced vulnerability to anthropogenic …
and are biodiverse. They are also characterized by enhanced vulnerability to anthropogenic …
[HTML][HTML] Climate influence on future suitability of high-altitude wetlands in two natural protected areas from the Central Andes of Argentina
B Vento, J Rivera, M Ontivero - Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 2024 - Elsevier
Climate conditions have a strong influence on the distribution of many natural communities;
thus, the influence of global climate change may alter ecosystems. High-altitude wetlands in …
thus, the influence of global climate change may alter ecosystems. High-altitude wetlands in …
The world's mountains in the Anthropocene
U Schickhoff, M Bobrowski, S Mal, N Schwab… - Mountain landscapes in …, 2022 - Springer
This review summarizes current understanding of drivers for change and of the impact of
accelerating global changes on mountains, encompassing effects of climate change and …
accelerating global changes on mountains, encompassing effects of climate change and …
Climate change and the distribution and conservation of the world's highest elevation woodlands in the South American Altiplano
Climate change is becoming an increasing threat to biodiversity. Consequently, methods for
delineation, establishment and management of protected areas must consider the species' …
delineation, establishment and management of protected areas must consider the species' …
Hydroclimate and vegetation variability of high Andean ecosystems
Mountain ecosystems are sensitive to climate fluctuations; however, the scarcity of
instrumental data makes necessary the use of complementary information to study the effect …
instrumental data makes necessary the use of complementary information to study the effect …
Vegetation trends over eleven years on mountain summits in NW Argentina
As global climate change leads to warmer and dryer conditions in the central Andes, alpine
plant communities are forced to upward displacements following their climatic niche …
plant communities are forced to upward displacements following their climatic niche …
High mountain ecosystems under climate change
High mountains (ie, mountains that reach above the climatic treeline) are regions where
many interests converge. Their treeless alpine landscapes and ecosystems are key areas …
many interests converge. Their treeless alpine landscapes and ecosystems are key areas …
Humedales de la Puna: principales proveedores de servicios ecosistémicos de la región
Los humedales son unidades claves en el funcionamiento ecosistémico de la Puna, en la
cual el agua es un recurso limitante. Entre los principales tipos de humedales que se …
cual el agua es un recurso limitante. Entre los principales tipos de humedales que se …
Threatened aquatic Andean frogs and mining activity in the Lithium Triangle of South America: Can both coexist?
The aquatic Andean frogs of genus Telmatobius are one of the most threatened amphibian
taxa, with many species having suffered drastic declines and even possible extinction. The …
taxa, with many species having suffered drastic declines and even possible extinction. The …
Highlands in transition: Urbanization, pastoralism, mining, tourism, and wildlife in the Argentinian Puna
Land use change is a key component of regional environmental change. In mountain
regions, where conditions for agriculture and human life are often difficult, land use trends …
regions, where conditions for agriculture and human life are often difficult, land use trends …