Orthodontic management of a horizontally impacted maxillary incisor in an adolescent patient
N Thirasupa - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial …, 2023 - Elsevier
Highlights•Sufficient space for an impacted tooth must be created before traction.•The closed-
eruption technique is recommended for impactions high in the alveolus.•Providing optimal …
eruption technique is recommended for impactions high in the alveolus.•Providing optimal …
Impacted maxillary incisors: diagnosis and predictive measurements
C Pavoni, M Mucedero, G Laganà… - Annali di …, 2012 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background When the incisors do not erupt at the expected time, it is crucial for the clinician
to determine the etiology and formulate an appropriate treatment plan. Aim The aim of this …
to determine the etiology and formulate an appropriate treatment plan. Aim The aim of this …
Orthodontically induced eruption of a horizontally impacted maxillary central incisor
SMD Rizzatto, LM de Menezes, S Allgayer… - American Journal of …, 2013 - Elsevier
This case report presents the clinical features and periodontal findings in a patient with a
horizontally impacted maxillary central incisor that had been exposed and aligned after a …
horizontally impacted maxillary central incisor that had been exposed and aligned after a …
Geometric morphometric analysis of the palatal morphology in children with impacted incisors: A three-dimensional evaluation
C Pavoni, V Paoloni, LTH Ghislanzoni… - The Angle …, 2017 - meridian.allenpress.com
Objective: To analyze variations in palatal morphology in subjects presenting unilaterally
impacted maxillary permanent central incisors compared with a control group of subjects …
impacted maxillary permanent central incisors compared with a control group of subjects …
Impacted incisors associated with supernumerary teeth treated with a modified Haas appliance
EF Sant'Anna, M Marquezan, CF Sant'Anna - American journal of …, 2012 - Elsevier
Tooth impaction involves factors such as lack of space in the alveolar process, trauma,
ankylosis, and mechanical barriers such as abnormal frenum, supernumerary teeth, tumors …
ankylosis, and mechanical barriers such as abnormal frenum, supernumerary teeth, tumors …
Pulp revascularization after repositioning of impacted incisor with a dilacerated root and a detached apex
P Plakwicz, A Kapuścińska, K Kukuła… - Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
Severely impacted and dilacerated incisors are rarely considered for surgical exposure
because they may not respond favorably to orthodontic extrusion. These incisors are often …
because they may not respond favorably to orthodontic extrusion. These incisors are often …
Impaction of both maxillary central incisors and a canine
T Pinho - American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial …, 2012 - Elsevier
This case report describes the treatment of a 14-year-old adolescent patient who had 2
impacted maxillary central incisors with distoangular root dilacerations. He also had an …
impacted maxillary central incisors with distoangular root dilacerations. He also had an …
O uso da técnica de ulectomia como opção cirúrgica em casos de retenção prolongada na erupção dentária no âmbito odontopediátrico: Uma série de casos
MS Ferreira, AD Magalhães… - Revista JRG de Estudos …, 2024 - revistajrg.com
O processo de cronologia da erupção dentária é uma parte integrante do crescimento e
desenvolvimento infantil. No entanto, o atraso na erupção dos dentes é algo frequente em …
desenvolvimento infantil. No entanto, o atraso na erupção dos dentes é algo frequente em …
[PDF][PDF] Radiographic assessment of maxillary incisor position after rapid maxillary expansion in children with clinical signs of eruption disorder
Studienziel. Beurteilt werden sollte der Einfluss von forcierten Gaumennahterweiterungen
(GNE) auf die Vertikalposition und Achsenneigung von im kindlichen Oberkieferknochen …
(GNE) auf die Vertikalposition und Achsenneigung von im kindlichen Oberkieferknochen …
Utilização da técnica de ulectomia em Odontopediatria no auxílio da erupção dentária: relato de caso
GI Sanches, LI Bento… - Archives Of …, 2021 - archhealthinvestigation.com.br
Ulectomia é um procedimento cirúrgico que consiste na remoção dos tecidos que
interrompem a erupção dentária. O presente estudo tem como proposição relatar um caso …
interrompem a erupção dentária. O presente estudo tem como proposição relatar um caso …